Saturday, January 11, 2014

Ellis Island

Ellis Island was opened on January 1, 1892. The immigration center helped send many newcomers to the United States on their way, but sent back those who were sick or otherwise deemed unfit to live in this country.
Where did your ancestors come from? How might your life be different if your ancestors had been sent back to their native countries?


  1. My ancestors came from China. If they were sent back my life would be very different. I would only know chinese and no english. School would be the same. However, being in America would be better because it is a free country.

  2. My ancestors are from China. If they were sent back, I might be helping my grandma planting because my family owns a farm that grows vegetable. I would only know a little bit of English. My school hours would probably be a little bit longer then it is in America.

  3. My ancestors are from Bangladesh. If my ancestors were sent back, I would've been most likely working. My country's kids have to work at a young age so I guess I have it lucky. I would've been able to go to school but with shorter hours. My English wouldn't be that fluent either..

  4. My ancestors come from China. If they were sent back to their native land . I might not to be in here because I was born in here. I will now be doing harsh work because back in China people as a young ages has to do work in order to live and help our family to live as well.
