Until this century, most of America's history has been recorded and written by white men.
How is it determined who records a country's history? Do you think written history can be biased? Defend your view. How might our American history be different if told from the perspective of say, black women? Some time in the 21st century, people of Hispanic heritage will become the largest single ethnic group in the United States. Do you think our history will be rewritten when our country has an Hispanic majority? Do you think it should be? Explain why or why not
I think a country determined who records its history is by the amount of color of people that live there. Since before this century most of America was made up of white men. Written history can be biased due to people's point of view. Since you can't tell what everyone thought you would have to write about what you saw or heard. If black women were to write from their perspective American history might've been different. The reason is because they could've witnessed things differently from Americans. In short our beliefs would be in them. Then, some time in the 21st century Hispanics might have the chance to become the largest single ethnic group in the U.S. So there might be a chance that our history will be written in an Hispanic majority. Its because sometimes we keep some old laws to help us get going. However, this century might change that, now that everything changed.
ReplyDeleteI like that you say people can witness things differently
DeleteI agree with you because I think people can witness things differntly too.
DeleteI think they determine who records the country's history by who've been in that time and witnessed what happened. I think written history can be biased because people have different point of views and opinions. History would be different if a black women wrote it because she might of been seen it differently. I don't think that history will be rewritten in Hispanic majority because history will stay the same and it will not change. I don't think it should be because no matter what it still the same history.
ReplyDeletewriting history is not that hard it is if uyou dont know
ReplyDeleteI think a country's history is often recorded by the kind who has larger population or the ones who settle at the country first. Written history can be biased because the people who wrote it can have different point of view with other people who didn't write it. If our history was told from black women's point of view, it would probably describe how their lives were like and hoe cruel Americans were. It will be very different from our version of American history. I think our history might be rewritten by Hispanic even though I don't think they should since this is not their own country.
ReplyDeleteI don't agree with you because the hispanics don't have the right to change the history {it was against law}
DeleteIn my opinion i think the country's history was recorded by the people who lived there and who saw the real thing. This written history can be biased because who wrote the document they can have different perspective then then people who didn't write or read the document. If the USA history was writing by black women then it will be more different because they will write about their life and how Americans treat them as animals also they would write about the women's difficult life. Now in 21 century if and when the hispanic will become the largest single ethic group in USA then i think the the history will not be rewritten by Hispanic but there will be some changes of law like the chafe between the past and now. I think rewriting history will be a bad idea because it already happen we can't change the past
ReplyDeleteI agree with you because we can't change the past ,it already been recorded in the history
DeleteTo determines who wrote the history ,the guess were that the people who lived there or the people who visited or the immigrants who moved there .The history was biased on the different perpectives or point of view , the view can affect how the history was written because they have their own opinions and also who they are {race} can affec as well .If it was written by a black woman ,they might tell us how they live as a slave and how the white or the Americans treat them .Other might think that the history was rewrite by the Hispanics , but I think they can't change the history because it will affect now and the future ,the future might think that the rewritten history was true .
ReplyDeleteI agree that a country's history is often recorded by the kind who has larger population or the ones who settle at the country first because since you can't tell what everyone thought you would have to write about what you saw or heard.Moreover,it will be very different from our version of American history. I think our history might be rewritten by Hispanic even though I don't think they should since this is not their own country.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you because history might be rewritten by Hispanic
DeleteYes,because the history is biased on a different things or your opinion.People should not wrote the history base on their opinion.I think rewrite history is a bad idea because you dont know what is happening in the past.