Friday, October 7, 2016

The Great Migration

As African Americans looked to the North for hope, Northern industries looked to the South for help. Railroad companies came to the South to find workers. They bought train tickets for African Americans willing to travel north for jobs. They promised black workers better jobs, better pay, and better lives.
         1.How was the Great Migration a result of Reconstruction?
  2. Do you think white southerners understand why African American were leaving the South?


  1. question 1:the great migration is the result of reconstruction because it help the people ave a bettter place for their jobs. question 2:i think the white southerners understand the africans american were leaving the south because they know how te people ive and want to help them to get a better life. -shi,chen xi

    1. i agree with you,because the great migration was to help the African to get a better life.In the 2nd question i would like to add that the southern were mad that the African that they are leaving,because they have no slaves now they cant make money.-cao jie wu

    2. I agree with that the southern will get mad because they wont be able to earn money to feed their family. -AndyLi

    3. i disagree with you because the great migration was not only about getting better was about the safety of the african american population. alvin gaine 802

    4. I disagree with your 2nd answer because I do not think that the white southerner actually understand why the African Americans were leaving because all they cared about were their own happiness, money and their lives so they would not understand them

  2. 1.the great migration was a result because it helped alot if people by giving them better jobs and better pays or better lives 2.I think yes becasue they think that they are going to northern to get better life.-cao jie wu 802

    1. I would like to add on question 1 that because the north is the one who help the southerners so they will have a better life and will give the african americans a great benfit -shi,chen xi

  3. 1.The way the Great Migration was a result of the Reconstuction is the KKK had begun,and many African Americans were getting killed because of the jobs that the North offered.
    2.Yes i do think the white southerns knew exactly why African Americans were leaving the south to find better jobs and more opportunities than they did before. Jakellyn Garcia.

    1. i disagree with you because the kkk was not the only white supremacy group at that time and could you explain why african americans were being killed because of the jobs the north offered. Alvin Gaine 802

  4. The Great Migration was a result of Reconstruction because the South basically made the freedmen leave because they were offering no jobs and they were killing them ,so that is why the African-Americans migrated to the North. -Jamal Razzaq

  5. 1.The Reconstruction caused many issues and some of these issues are like the kkk, witch is the main reason for the great migration.The kkk cuased the great migration is such a way the made the blacks fear being in the south and so it cuased the african americans in the south to flee from the south and go north and then the african americans had no worries in the north.

    2.depends on the southerners because some mat be shunning the african americans from the south while some are confused by why they were leaving to the north.For ex. the southerners that were maybe apart of the kkk probably didnt care as much while southern farmers questioned there leaving the south, and having no workers to hire the farmers probably went crazy...


    1. i disagree with you because the kkk was not the only white supremacy group that caused the great migration and you forgot to mention the southerners used share cropping and racist laws to make black people feel like slaves

  6. 1. The Great Migration is a result of Reconstruction because when black african american move to north those laws and kkk can not butter african american again and this movement end the reconstruction.
    2. some white southerners may know but there was also have some who do mot know -Eric wu

    1. i disagree with your answer in question 2 because the north who helped the african american so that they should know about what they did. -shi,chen xi

    2. i kinda agree with question one but kkk still can effect them due to the whole part of the kkk being every where.

      (i have no idea what question two is saying!)

      Nazmul 802

    3. I disagree with your first answer because the KKK where still around and this did not end Reconstruction.-Jamal 802

  7. 1.The Great Migration is a result of Reconstruction that is because the reconstruction made several laws for freedom of African American in the North.So African American can have better chance in North.Which made them move.

    2.I think white southerners understand why African American were leaving the South,but don't want them to leave.That is because they want to be in control,
    they are afraid what happen if African American get those right and one day African American would stole their job.

    Zhi Wei Zhang

    1. i agree with yor answer in question 1 because it gave the african americans better place to live and have a better job which is giving the african american freedom. -shi,chen xi

    2. 2.i disagree with you because I think Southerns just want to earn more money and get less affected by 15th amendment.

    3. I agree with you on question 2 that white southerners know why African american leave the south/. -Eric wu

  8. 1.African Americans migrated to the North to have better jobs better pay and a better life.They wanted make something better of themselves.Christopher Mills.

    1. i also want to add on that the african american want to be treated same as other peoples. -shi,chen xi

  9. 2.Yes I do think the South knew why the Freedmen were migrating because they were treating them like slaves again and the Freedmen obviously had to find jobs and a better area to live in.-Jamal Razzaq

  10. 1.The Great Migration is the result of Reconstruction because African American get a better place to live, a better job, and better pay.

    2.I think the white southerners understand why the African American were leaving the south because they want a better life, better payment and the whites created a group called kkk which bulled blacks who went to school, get a job, buy houses,vote,or run for office-Juan Lopez 802

    1. i disagree with question one the great migration was for a whole different reason then the one u stated for ex.(read my one) the great migration was that the african americans were leaving the south and that had not much to do with the reconstruction cuase it was not planned for the reconstruction and so it was more like the reconstrctuion caused the kkk and the kkk caused the great migration(in my case) Nazmul 802

  11. reconstruction made the south harder to live in for the african american population,reconstruction made the southerners rebel against the freedmen and congress.white supremacy groups made the lives of freedmen more dangerous in the south,southerners found loopholes in the amendments and made racist laws and made the freedmen do share cropping to live in the south,this is why the freedmen felt that they had still not broken the chains of slavery and felt that the north would treat them fairly.white southerners thought that their schemes would scare the freedmen back into submission even though the union abolished slavery.white southerners wanted the african american population under their control,in truth they feared the freedmen,feared that they would lose their supremacy over black people,feared the freedmen would take revenge but the freedmen did not do any violence and moved to the my opinion the white southerners were oblivious to the fact that the freedmen could move to the north because they did not stop the freedmen from moving and that says that the southern whitemen did not expect the freedmen to move to the north for safety rather than face the southerners.i think the southerners thought that the freedmen would put up resistance and make secret plans to kill the plantation owners who one controlled them. Alvin Gaine 802

  12. 1)The Great Migration was a result of Reconstruction because the north came to south to find workers and give them a better pay and life.
    2)In my opinion white southerners will understand why they were leaving the south because they will get a better life at North and a better pay to feed their family. -AndyLi

    1. i agree with you.but in question number two you could add more about the negative thing that the white southerners do that make african americans leaving

  13. I agree with you because the way the North was mistreating the South was unfair, the south got tired of it and left to other places like New York, Cleveland, Detroit and Kansas to work in factories.-Jakellyn Garcia

    1. who are you talking to? ~ Reyna

    2. i agree with you because the South moved to other places to get a better life for there children and them. Reyna 802

  14. 1.The Great Migration was a result of the Reconstruction because the kkk had begun and they started to kill African American people. And as a result of the kkk African American people started to move to the south for a better life and education for there children.
    2.I think that the white Southerners did notice why the African Americans where leaving the south because they knew what they were doing. They started the kkk and no one was willing to share land with them. The white southerners did everything they can to prevent African Americans from having the power to be just like them ~Reyna 802

    1. I agree but that wasn't the main reason they would've moved anyways if there or wasn't the kkk Marcos Saucedo

    2. I agree with reyna and marcos at the same time because the african americans had began getting killed by during kkk - vanessa 821

  15. 1. The great migration was a result of the Reconstruction for many reasons. One of those many reasons is that it was a great opportunity to get better jobs. The colored people moved for many reasons because of the KKK, Jim crow laws, the Transcontinental Railroad, bad working contracts, also nobody was willing to sell them land. The KKK was because of the Reconstruction, it is a group of hate towards the colored made by the whites. The colored could've felt scared which might've pushed them to move.

    2. I think that the white southerners do understand why the African Americans were leaving the south. The white people created a group called the KKK. The KKK could've pushed the colored people out. The white people might've been created this group to make the colored people want to leave the South. This is why i think that the white southerners understand why the African Americans left the South.
    Nathaly Salas 802

  16. 1.the result of Great Migration is that African American move to north for better pay and better job,because of Black Code and KKK group cannot be affecting the goal of African American.South became more and more less people living there cause of great migration.
    2.I think white southerners don't know why African American leave because they don't care what African American feel,and they just want to earn more and more money. -WeiChen 802

    1. I disagree with you on number 2.I think they do care and do know why African American move.They care because they want to be in control and they know base on all the laws that North post to help African American.-Zhi Wei Zhang

    2. I agree with your opinion because white southerns did wanted to earn more moneys
      -Erick WU

  17. question2. White southeners did not understand why blacks were leaving the south because it did not pain them to know that they were being held captive as slaves and wanted freedom and now their migrating to the north the whites have a problem about it. Christopher Mills.

  18. 1.The great migration is result of Reconstruction because It made slaves from the south to move to the north. Making the population increase in the north with slaves or freedman that could had jobs and better lives in the north .For example they would get payed more,have better jobs and freedom.This would make the south realize that they were doing something wrong . 2. I believe southerner would of understand why so many slaves left to the north and know why they left .The south knew that they weren't being fair treating slaves bad . So when the slaves heard that in the north slavery had ended then of course they all wanted to move there for a better chance of lives. The south would of understand because they were realizing they were doing wrong even tho they didn't accept it . By,Marcos Saucedo

    1. i agree with u since the blacks wanted better lives, they wanted better payment and yeah the whites did realize that they were doing something wrong that made blacks wanna move to the north

  19. 1. The Great Migration was a result of reconstruction because blacks were forced to go north since the black codes were made. The black code limited there independence and freedom. Reconstruction also created the group KKK. This group were police officers, judges , lawyer. This means everytime that a white did somethigh to a black person they wouldn't get punished for the crime they commited. Also there where more more opportunity in the north. This why reconstruction caused the Great Migration. 2. I believe southerners knew why blacks were moving north. The south knew because they lowered their freedom and restriceted them from doing thighs. Southerners didn't pay much money to blacks, so if a black lived in farm where it was owned by a white person.

  20. 1.the great migration was a result to reconstruction bacasue when the slaves left south,no one is working for the plantations anymore. 2.Yes i do think the white southerners understand why african americans were leaving the south,becasue the north is offering african americans better jobs,better pay,and better lives

  21. 1.The Great Migration a result of Reconstruction by every event happen in Reconstruction push the African American move away from South.Although the congress passed 13,14,15th amendent,but south could still created ways to control or bully the freedman. Such as KKK,sharecropping,and Black code,however freeman would try ways to keep their power,as result they came out to move out the South.
    2.I think white Southerners understand why African American were leaving the south because I think they clearly known what they had done that cause African American to leave.KKK killed and bully them, sharecropping made unfair trade.
    JinlingZheng 802

  22. The Great Migration was a result of Reconstruction by want to move to the north for better jobs and better lives.I think white southerners understand why African American were leaving the south because they help them to get train tickets and promised them for better jobs.

  23. 1. The great migration is a result of Reconstruction because it gave freedom, better job, better pay wages and a better life for the African Americans.
    2. I think the southerners did know why the African Americans were leaving because the African Americans wanted a better life and mostly because they just got their freedom.
    - Somaia Sarker

  24. 1) The Great Mirgation was a result of Reconstrustion becuse it freed the slaves and the North said they were going to give the African American jobs and better lives. African Americans moved to the North because in the South they couldn't find jobs and they didnt have many rights.
    2) I think the white southern understand why the African American were leaving the South because they wanted and better life for them. Also,the whites stared a group named the kkk and started to kill the African Americans. -Ashly Carpinteyro 802

  25. 1)The great migration is a result of Reconstruction because it gave the African American better lives,better pay and better jobs.2)i think they do know why the African American is leaving the South,because they wanted to have more opportunities and have a better life than before. The whites treated the blacks not equally and they gave the blacks less freedom. -Vicky Wang

  26. 1. The Great Migration is a result of Reconstruction because african american cant stay in the South anymore,then the KKK will destroy their school,shelter,and they will kill the african american who leave their.They will also kill the white southerner who are trying to help their only hope is to migrate to the North and hope they going to get a better jobs,better pay,and better lives.2.I think that the white southerners understand why african american were leaving the south because they were also helping the black workers buying ticket to move to the North-linda li

  27. i kind of agree with you somaia. i also disagree because you didnt write about the negative things you only wrote about the positive things.

    1. I need more to go on here im not sure why you agree or disagree

  28. 1) The great migration was a result of the reconstruction because if the state is not reconstructed, then the African american will not be able to migrate. Their owners won't let them leave the plantation.
    2) In my opinion, the southerners will not understand why the African american want to go to the north and leave the south. This is because the white people only know that if the slaves leave, then no one can work for them and help them make money. The white southerners never think about how will the African american feel.
    Annie (Ziyan) Chen

    1. i agree with u becausei wrote almost the same thing. for the second question, i think it is correct because without slaves then southerners wont be able to produce as much food. but i aslo disagree because in the text that mr. gave us it also says that southerners are going to the south.

    2. i disagree with you with question one because in that time african anerican was a freedmen so the they can migrate now,but also in that time there was kkk in the south. also you have say that if there was no reconstruction but the queation was asking why great migration was a result for the recostuction not asking you if the state dont have Reconstruction what will happen
      mqj 811

  29. 1. the reconstruction is a result of the reconstruction because it gave Africans many hope. the reconstruction gave many africans to go to the north and have a better life. while in reconstruction the kkk was a violence group that goes out and kill africans that uses their rights. this made many africans scared of the south.
    2. i think the south farmers does not know because if they do know they wont pass laws to control rights from Africans. i think they just think of themselves and think of what is best for them and not others.

    1. Wendy yang 811

    2. i agree with you on question one because the north did give the Africans hope but i disagree with you on question two because if the white southerners didn't know why would they help them sell tickets to get to the North.

  30. 1.The Great Migration was good because well a lot of black people or freed men went to the North to work at the rail roads for better money and it did help them.

    2.I don't think the white southern would understand why they would go to the North they want the freed men to still work for them

    Ronald 811

    1. I disagree with you in question 1 because the question is asking how the great migration is the result of the reconstruction, not the advantages of the great migration. Annie (Ziyan) Chen 811

    2. I disagree with you in question 2 because Southerner understand that African Americans left the south because of slave codes and the kkk.-Fahima 811

  31. the great migration was the result of reconstruction because the north relied on the south for to find workers and the south (freed men) relied on the north for better jobs, pay, and lives. Reconstruction was the process of rebuilding. it was also reuniting the north and south.

    -Sabina 811

    1. i agree with u because the south did did a lot of things that cause the great migration. the form the kkk which cause many people to be afraid of the south. wendyyang811

  32. 1. The Great Migration was a result of the Reconstruction because it help the African Americans allowing them to gain jobs and be free. It also gave them a better place to live. Yes, i think that the white southerners knew why the freedmen left to go to the north because the North provided many opportunities for the south to have a better life.
    Li Xiao Ting 811

  33. 1. the great migration was a result for Reconstruction because African Americans don't want to stay in the south,if afrian americans stay in the south then the kkk will destroy thing that african americans do in the south. for example, kkk will destroy afican americans' schools,church,and kill their family memebers. so afircan americans wanted to migrate to the north for better live.
    2. i think white southerners did know why african americans was migrating, because the southerner has destroy the thing that african american have when they are living in the south. also southerners know African Americans leaving the south was because African Americans have their own freedom, they can go to place they want to live.~~mqj 811

  34. The Great migration is a result of reconstruction because afrcain american cant stay in the south anymore becasue the slaves is a freedmen so they do not work for the white people anymore. I believe that the freedmen leave the south beacuase in the north the people ant to give them good job, good payment, good life, and good amount of payment

  35. i agree with u

    1. I agree with your answers because i also believe that since they are now free people they could leave with there own free will. Plus i also agree with you when you say that they left for a better life and for a better a job.-kathy fung 811

  36. 1. The Great Migration was a result of Reconstruction because the freedman wanted better jobs, better pay, and better lives, which they got after moving to the north. Also they had to move because of the slave codes and KKK.
    2.Yes, I think that white Southerners knew that the African Americans were living the south because they wanted to find better jobs and have more opportunities than they had before. However, white Southerner were mad because they didn't want them to leave.

  37. The Great migration is a result of reconstruction because the African American has hope to the north to gain more things(rights) like education, better life to lived,and better jobs to pay for them and to gain more money.As the slavery watch the north as a freedom and equality for all people, they wanted to have better life in the future, for their children and their after generation. 2)i think thge white southerenns did understand the reason why slavery(African american) are leaving the south because the south are the place that have non equality and this might be a good reason why they will leave. They want to have better life and don't want to be a slavery anymore. REMEMBER: whites and blacks are against each other. A hundred percent! THE AFRICAN AMERICANS WILL BECAUSE WANT TO GAIN RIGHTS AND BETTER LIFE AND GOES TO THE NORTH.AT THAT TIME OF PERIOD ALL THE SOUTHERENS MUST KNOW THAT.




  38. I do believe that north does know what the slaves were leaving the south because if they have herd of the book "Uncle Toms Cabin" they would know about the terrible things that the individuals did to the slaves. So they would understand why the slaves want to leave the south.

    -Sabina 811

  39. 1) The Great Migration was the results of the reconstruction because the reconstruction free the slaves and they could go to a new land for a better life and could get a better job to support there family.
    2) I think that the white southerners don't understand why African Americans are leaving because they don't care about there feels and they still see them as there properties and not as one of them. Plus when they were still slaves they treated them really badly so they wouldn't care about there feels and why they would leave. - Kathy Fung 811

  40. 1)The Great Migration is the result of Reconstruction by every event happened in the reconstruction let African American to move away the south.Although, the 13th,14th,and 15th had passed around, but the black code is still continuing in the south. The kkk group is killing a lots of freedmen and burn their houses.
    2)I think the white southerners understands that the African Americans are leaving the south because that they are being free so they are not slaves and they will have rights and freedom like them so the white southerners are no happy about freeing the African Americans because they are having equal rights like them. Then the kkk groups are bulling the African Americans Such as burning their houses and killing them.
    Wen Jian Lin Class:811

  41. 1)The Great Migration is the result of Reconstruction because railroad companies came to the South to find workers and they bought train tickets for African Americans to go to the north.
    2)I think white southerners will not understand why African American were leaving the South because the African American were slave and they need the slave to make more money. Andy Chen 811

  42. 1.The Great Migration is a result of the Reconstruction because the North have to fix all the damadge done to the South in the Civil War. That includes the rail road system, and because the rail road system was built:Freed mens moved to new land hoping for a better life.
    2. I think the White Southerners understand why the freed mens are leaving because they promised a better life,better pay, better job, and a free ticket for them in the new land if they would work for them.
    -Wei Zhuang 811

    1. i agree with wei zhuang 811 because the result of the reconstruction ryansingh 813

  43. 1) There are many reasons to why Great Migration is a result of Reconstruction. Firstly, the African Americans wanted to live a better life. When they were offered and asked to migrate to the North they were told that they'll have a better pay, better job, and mostly a better life. Also most Southerners would sell lands at a higher price. Since they knew that the African Americans could't afford that much. Although, they were announced free, the K.K.K were threatening them. This was the reasons why they would move to the North.
    2) The white Southerners probably understood why the African Americans were migrating to the North because this was a great chance for them. They were offered a better job and better pay. Also they were also buying tickets to any African Americans that were willing to work for the jobs. -Joey Zhang 811

  44. 1) The Great Mirgation was a result of Reconstrustion because when the former slaves became free they had few skills and no money.So when the people in the north were offering jobs to color men they went.They also left to the north because they don't want to get kidnap by the KKK. 2)I don't think the white people cared that the freed men left to the north they were probly happy.I they probly didn't even want them around JAVIER DIAZ 811

    1. the great mirgation was a solution of reconstrustions for the fact that slaves were free and came out with some skills and some money .alson they went to the north because of the kkk so black people wontbe kiddnap or killed . oscar 813

    2. I agree with oscar because the kkk kill black people

    3. i agree because the kkk are a group of people who kill African american people because the black codes were gone."giorgi"

  45. I agree with you too -Nicole 811

  46. the great migration was a result of the reconstruction for formor slave had became a few skills they had promise black people for better job ryansingh 813

    1. i disagree, it doesn't make sense.

    2. i agree with raihan because it doesnt make sense.He shoulve have wrote the former slaves had more jobs and oppurtunties in the nort as they promised. Michael Mei

  47. Q 1: It was a result of reconstruction because it gave people better jobs, better pay and overall better lives.
    Q 1: Yes , because the North offers a way better life than the south does.

    1. i agree with raihan because in the south they would pay you little money and the jobs there are bad and the north gave the african americans a chance to earn more money and have better lives. Michael Mei 813

  48. 1-i think that the great migration of the reconstruction was helpfulbecause they would have better lives and would be treated better.2-yes because they wanted to have better lives and better jobs in the north.Michael Mei 813

    1. I agree with your answers -David 813

    2. because the north did treat the freedmen better then the south and that the south can give them a better live and job- David 813

  49. 1.the Great Migration was a result of Reconstruction because it can help the freedmen get better job,pay and lives.2.The white southerns did understand because they know how many jobs the north can give and that it can pay them more in the north then the south. -David 813

    1. I agree with your answers

    2. i agree with your answer because the its true . people moved to the north for the better jobs, pay and lives. I also agree with your answer to question 2.

  50. the great migration gave color people more rights they had then they did in the south and better lives and more jobs
    yes because they wanted them to leave the south so they wouldnt have to deal with them . Ally 813

  51. The results of the Great Migration of Reconstrustion was great because many african americans didn't have jobs so they went to the north to find jobs and they did.Question 2 is that the white people wanted the freed men to stay here and work for them-Gabriel Aguila 813


  53. Question 1: The Great Migration is the result of Reconstruction because they wanted to be treated fairly for a better life.
    Question 2: I think White southerners understand why they left because they wanted to be fairly treated and also have better jobs. They wanted to be treated equally as non colored people because they have more rights and freedom.
    Fanni 813

    1. Is that really all there was to it? Was there more to the story?

  54. Q1~i think that the migration is to help the africans for better jobs and better pay. Q2~ The north will give better stuff to the freedmen Esteban Rojano 813

  55. 1. The Great Migration was a result of the reconstruction because the freedmen would be able to get better jobs, move to new land, start a new life and be protected by the colony. -Yadimar Cruz 813

    1. i agree with you because they have a chance to get better jobs better pay and maybe more righs hasan tasnemul 821

  56. 1)the Great Migration was a results of the reconstruction because as a free slaves they were unskillful and have not as much money.So as a chance the north were offering jobs to the freemen and allowing them to move up to the north.As the offer,the freemen took a chance leaving the south to get a better job.Not only that they are able to leave their problems like the KKK behind and start a better life.As a results the population in the south drop.
    2)the southerns probably understood the reason why they left to the north.They knew they were treating them badly and that the north was offering jobs. Knowing that the north was offering jobs they knew why they left to start a better life. -Vanessa 813

  57. 1. The Great Migration was a result of Reconstruction because the freedmen was promise a better jobs, better pay, and better life for them. Even though the 13th Amendment freed them, the group called KKK was threatening them so they also migrate to the north for safety.
    2. I think the Southerns wont understand why the Freedmen left the South because they wanted them to leave . They probably doesn't even care if the freedmen is leaving because they don't want them to around.
    -Jiayi Chen 813

  58. 1: The Great Migration was a result on reconstruction because. Freedmen were offered a chance to have a better life and. Part of reconstruction was to make the union a better place 2: I think white southerners understand why slaves migrated because there the ones who were giving them reasons to leave for the north

  59. 1)The Great Migration was a result to the Reconstruction because it gave the slaves better lives, jobs, and a new opportunity. The commencement of the Great Migration started of with the South making the KKK and trying to bring back slavery again. Then later on, when the North needed to make Transcontinental Railroads, the freedman wanted to move away even more because the railroads made it easier to travel. In addition,the Southern states wouldn't sell the Freedman land,however, if they take the Transcontinental Railroad they will be able to make a colony in Kansas.
    2)Yes, the Southerner understands why the freedman left the South because of all the things going on in the South. For example, the KKK will scared all the freedman away.
    -Evan 813

  60. 1) The great migration was a result of the reconstruction because once the slaves were free they didn't have that many experience be sides the jobs they had so it probably was very difficult to get a job also the people probably didn't want to hire african american so when they got an opportunity for a better job,life, and pay they took that opportunity.2) I think that the white southerners did understand why the african americans would want to move to a different place b/c it's a great chance for the african americans to get better jobs,life,and money. nadia 813

  61. 1)the results where that the freed men had better jobs,better payment, since they get better payment they are able to support there children and wife -henry leal

    1. I disagree with you because the freedmen did not have better pay. They freedmen were treated the same where they went,sometimes they were not offered jobs cause of racism. Jarif-821

    2. You are correct Jarif, what else were they denied o? the basis of color.

  62. question 1: the graet migrition affected the reconstrition because it made t freed men leave thge south and go to the north because they had better pay better jobs and it made the south angry
    question 2:yes because they know how badly they treat them of course the freed men wants to go to the north it has better pay and better life hasan tasnemul 821

  63. question 1:The Great Migration is a result of the reconstruction because it let the blacks have a better lifes in the U.S and the blacks payed for the ridewhich probably gave money to the U.S whichwould pay for the goverment

  64. The great migration is a result of reconstruction because the north help the south by paying them money to go to north ,and the south help north do job and have better both side are happy.
    BY:Si Ting Chen CLASS:821

  65. 1.The Great Migration was a result of the reconstruction because the Civil War leave the south in ruined and many people were left homeless.In the reconstruction, African American move noeth in hope of job.With jobs, Freedman can live a better life. The North also helped with reconstruction and invited the Freedman to the north.

    2. I don't think the southerners understand why Afrcian American are leaving the south because white southerner are the one of the reason African American leave. The white mistreated the Freedman and try to scam them.

  66. 1)The Great Migration is a result of reconstruction by the northern industries promised the black workers better jobs,better pay and better lives. -Mei zhen Mei 821

  67. I think that the result of reconstruction was the migration because once the slaves were freed they really did not get to experience the other side eith the jobs - vanessa ariza garcia 821

  68. the great migration is a result of the north and the south actually getting along becuase they are getting to do the rail road together. maybe they can become friejds again

  69. The great migration was a result of the reconstrution because when the slaves were freed, they had no money and was poorly educated but the north helped them.They helped the African Americans by giving them jobs,better
    pays,and a better life.
    I dont think that the southerners a understands why African Americans are leaving the south because they were still treating them like trash.Also they were putting strick laws on Afircan Americans.
    -Ming lin

  70. question 1:The Great Migration i a result of the reconstruction because it let the blacks have a better life in U.S and the blacks payed for the ride which probably gave moey to the government
    question 2: The south probably knew that the blacks were going to leave to kansas or going to the north part of U.S for freedom also the southerners would also know that the blacks just wanted to get away from their owner
    Kernan Kong 821

  71. 1)The Great Migration is a result of reconstruction by the northern industries promised the black workers better jobs,better pay and better lives. -Mei zhen Mei 821

  72. I do think that the sotherners knew that they were leaving because they wsmted a better life and wanted a new begining -vanessa 821

  73. The Great Migration is a result of the reconstruction because during the reconstruction,southerners tries to find ways to make the freedman like slave again.They made up racist laws (Jim Crow laws),many terrorist groups,and because of low incomes. In addition, some freedman were killed because of the supremacy groups. This group member use guns,including riffles. So,based on this African-American decide to leave south for higher incomes,and safety.-Christine Lu 821

  74. 1)the great migration was a result of the reconstruction because the reconstruction cause the kkk which threaten African American and their supporter.In addition the reconstruction cause the bad working contrasts,so the African American want to move away from the south and go to the north.
    2)I think the southerners don't understand because in their eyes they think that they gave the freedmen work and place to sleep,but in the freedmen's point of view it is just a bad working contracts
    KangHaoLin 821

    1. i agree with you because that the freedmen leave the south because the south gave the freedmen bad working contract so they earn less money to raise their family.
      Michael xiao 821

  75. The result of the reconstruction is that the slaves are freed. They will get a better jobs and life. The Railroad company hire the slaves for working and they will get a better pay. -Tiffany Jiang

    1. I disagree with her because the result of reconstruction is not that slave is free. only the 13 amendment free the slave.
      -Jane Zheng 821

  76. they need a better job because they are paying them too little

  77. Some white southerners might understand and some don't. It depends.-Christine Lu 821

  78. the great migration was the cause of the reconstruction. since the slaves were freed it caused many problems for the southerners because of the problems the slaves had to be controlled.using the black codes then when the black codes were banned there was the kkk.this was what pushed the slaves to migrate which was caused by the reconstruction
    2. the southerners believed why the slaves were leaving the was because of the countless problems caused by the reconstruction.the kkk the black codes was the things or the reasons they left the south.
    --william 821

  79. 1)the great migration was a result of reconstruction because since all the freedmen left and went all over the united stated there was colored people all over and this way the freedmen can get jobs to help support their families.2)i think they did understand because they knew that they was treating them bad from he start n they probably did understand

  80. Question 1-The great migration was the results of the recontrustion because during the recontrustion many things occur like the kkk,jim crow laws, and the black codes.This made the amendment not very effective so many freedman left the south and headed for the north for a better opportunity at the life.
    Question 2-In my opinion I dont think that the white southeners actually understand why the African Americans were leaving the south. The southerners were very greedy and selfish so they cared only about their own happiness so they dont cared about the Africans.

    1. forgot to write -ryan jiang 821

  81. 1)The Great Migration was a great result. The reason behind this is because most of the freedman were able to move to new land and get a better life. They also have more opportunism to start a new life and they were also protected by the people in the colony.
    2)Yes, I'm sure the southerners understand why the freedman left. This is because the freedman weren't treated the right way so that made them leave. The slavery and the KKK might have made them leave because of what were they were doing to them.
    - Faizan Saim 821

  82. 1)the great migration was a result of reconstruction because since all the freedmen left and went all over the united stated there was colored people all over and this way the freedmen can get jobs to help support their families.2)i think they did understand because they knew that they was treating them bad from he start n they probably did understand

  83. 1)The great migration was the results of the reconstruction, since African American was free by the 13 Amendment, they will be able to leave the owner and seek of more job opportunity for their family, one of the process was great migration. African American seek more job opportunity by migrate to the North, since North are the place that African American already been accept by the society, it make sense that African American want to migrate to North. Also the North is more focus on industry, which will be easy for African American find a job in the factory. Therefore, Great migration was a sign of Reconstruction.
    2) I think white southerners understand why African American were leaving the South, because the southerners have no power to in slave African American anymore, and African American finally can leave the South to search for better opportunity for themselves and their family.
    -Jane Zheng 821

    1. i agree with you that since the African American are free, they want to seek new better life, jobs and other better opportunity.
      Michael xiao 821

  84. 1)The great migration was the results of the reconstruction because since African American was free by the 13 Amendment, there will be limits to what the freedmen could do. As the freedmen leave south the African American could seek more job opportunity by migrate to the North, since North are the place that African American already been accept by the society, it make sense that African American want to migrate to North. Also the North is more focus on industry, which will be easy for African American find a job in the factory. Therefore, reconstruction was a result of the great migration.
    2) I think white southerners understand why African American were leaving the South, because the southerners had pay the freedmen less to raise their family and African American finally can leave the South to search for better opportunity for themselves and their family. Leaving the south and entering the north gave the freedmen better jobs, life and opportunity.
    Michael xiao 821
