Monday, September 26, 2016

15th Amendment

The success of Congressional Reconstruction was short-lived. By the early 1900s,
Southern states had found new ways to rob African Americans of basic rights. It was
not until the 1960s that African Americans in the South would get to exercise their
full rights as U.S. citizens.

Why was the success of Congressional Reconstruction short lived?

Explain why it took nearly 100 years for African Americans to be able to exercise the rights they gained?


  1. 1.the congressional reconstruction was short lived becuase southerners found new ways to take basic rights away from african americans. Until 1960s african amercians did not have basic rghts.

    2.they did not fully gain the rights they deserved until the white respected them and allowed them into soceity.


  2. i agree with you because that the congress is trying to find a way to get african american right

  3. 1) The success of Congressional Reconstruction was short lived because Southern states made new laws to control the freedman.
    2)It take nearly 100 years for African American to get their full right because of those laws that Southerner had created , that had took their basic rights.

  4. the success of the reconstruction plan was short lived because the white southerners did not agree with the plan,they still wanted to have control over the blacks by using black codes,after the north came to know about this they passed the fourteenth amendment but the whites persisted,they made secret organizations to make the lives of freedmen hard,the whites could not live side by side so the reconstruction plan did not work.the whites still have hate for blacks,this made it hard for the blacks to gain respect in the white community so the blacks could never be able to gain proper rights.Alvin Gaine 802

  5. 1.The Congressional Reconstruction was short lived because African American still did not get freedom.Southern state have create new way to rob African American freedom

  6. It lasted for a short amount of time because the Southern started to take away African American basic rights.The rights they were taking away from were...even when they wre freed when were still critising for how their skin color.Southerners were still not letting the Africans live like a freed human.

    Somaia Sarker 802

  7. 1.The success of the Congressional Reconstruction was short lived because the southern states had found new ways to trick the African Americans. The Southern states didn't want the African Americans to be freed or equal like them, because they were afraid of them. It was a trick because the southern states had basically robbed them when they had their rights.

    2. It took African Americans nearly 100 years to be able to exercise the rights they gained because they kept on changing there rights as a U.S citizen. ~ Reyna

  8. 1. The success of congressional Reconstruction was short lived because, the Southern states found new ways to rob African American of basic rights. This made it short lived because, the African Americans had just gotten their freedom but then the Southern states found a way to ruin their happiness by trying to rob the African Americans rights.

  9. 1.The congressional reconstruction existed for a short time because southern people discovered new ways to, take basic right away from african americans.By the 19060's african american did not have basic rights anymore . 2.It took nearly 100 years for African Americans to gain there rights because the whites were getting adjusted in a new way of life.White people had to accept the change and also accept freedman . Marcos,802

  10. the congressinal reconstruction was short lived because southerners found new ways to rob african americans to basic rights 2)the afican americans did not get the rights until the other people respected them
    richard juarez 802

    1. How did they rob them of rights? Explain

    2. They robbed the African Americans of their rights because they took away their freedom. they took away everything they ever had.they decided to make them slaves.they where too lazy to do the work themselves so they took away everything they ever had (robbed) and made the African Americans their personal assistant(slaves)

    3. Nice response Sabina.. I like the thought you put into it.

    4. thank you Mr.Jay - Sabina

    5. 1.The congressinal reconstruction was short lived because southerners found ways to take some of the rights the african americans had. In my opinion this was wrong because they only had few rights.

      2.It took long because no one liked them.No one paidatentio0n to african americans.Ian Jaramillo 811

  11. the congressional reconstruction was short lived because the south found new ways to get the African american. it took the African Americans nearly 100 years to get their own rights because the south won't let them go.

    1. no they dont let them go it was they dont have freedom,also they south didnt agree to give them freedom.

  12. 1. The success of the reconstruction was shorted live because southerners now had a new way to rob African american rights. Only up to the 1900s African Americans had gain their basic rights.
    2. It took nearly 100 years to gain rights for the African americans because they are fighting to gain rights and get respect from the white as well as southerners.
    Wendy Yang 811

    1. I agree to you because i had a similar answer as you and the African Americans did have a hard time gaining or earning their rights back

    2. I agree with your answers because I also wrote something similar to what you wrote. plus I also believe that African Americans had to fight for there rights and gain there trust to be able to get there rights back.-Kathy 811

  13. The congressinal reconstruction was short lived because southerners has found new way to rob afican americans,they rob afican americans beacause the southerners was afraid of the aficans americans, of no one help them to do the work.
    It took the afican americans 100 years to gain there right because the white people need the slaves to work for them so they didnt was he slave to be free,so america had being seperate in two the south and the north. united the civil war has end, the slave has their own freedom the do thing they like in america.

    1. should add some commas

    2. We are here to respond to blogposts not correct grammar

  14. the southerners robbed the african americans because the southerners had he rights while the african americans had no rights

    1. but they are slaves so they dont have right,and the notherner has give the slaves right

    2. African American were given rights and should have rights after the Congressional Reconstruction. However their rights were robbed because the Southerner did not admit African American as part of their society.
      -Xinyi Huang 814

  15. 1)The congressional reconstruction was short lived because people from the south found a new way to take away/rob the basic rights of African Americans.
    2)It took nearly 100 years for African American to exercise there rights because they had to adjusted to there new life plus the southerns had toke away there basic rights as free people now.-Kathy811

    1. i agree with you because i wrote almost the same thing. Reconstruction was not success because may southerners was still wanting to get power back from the slaves because they wanted power themselves. this had lasted for many years unlit 100 years later.

    2. For question 1 and 2, it would be better if you state some examples.

    3. add more details to your answers for the reader to have a better understanding of what you are talking about

  16. 1)The congressional reconstruction are short lived because by the 1900s southern states had found new ways to rob their basic rights.
    2)It takes the american nearly 100 years for the american to success because they would get to exercise their full right as a citizen

  17. 1.The success of Congressional Reconstruction was short lived because the people in the south took advantage because the North was there to control them so they continued to make slaves work for them

    2.It took nearly 100 years for the slaves to exercise their full rights because the people in the south made laws that basically didn't allow slaves their freedom

    Ronald 811

    1. 1. The Congressional Reconstruction was short lived, because now the Southern states found new ways to rob African Americans of basic rights. They now have found many different ways to rob African Americans the congressional reconstruction wasnt working.

      2. It took nearly 100 years for the African Americans to be able to exercise the rights the gained because many Southerners werent letting them have the rights they needed for them to be equal. This caused many arguments which were then solved with the African Americans getting the rights they need. Even though it took a long time, now African Americans got the full U.S. citizen rights they deserve.

      Firuza Tojikulova 814

  18. The congressional reconstruction was short lived because the southerners found a way to take away the rights of the African Americans. It took more than 100 years for African Americans to exercise there rights because the southerners still treated them like slaves. Sabrina Basant 811

  19. The success of the congressional Reconstruction was "short lived" because it took the south 100 years to gain their rights some slaves didn't even live to see that they finally got free. this happened because the south didn't want to let go of the slaves.they were afraid of loosing political power.

  20. 1)the congressional reconstruction was short lived because of the African american cant gain rights, according to what it said, the African american cant gain basic right were cause of Southerens, which is the whites, who found new way to take away African's basic rights.2)maybe was because the american think they should be together and the African had long time being slaves, and they usually had the war of letting African people being slaves or not. but then,northerens won the war and so on... African are not being slaves anymore, and gain the right of full of being U.S. citizen. Believe or not.

  21. 1.The congressional Reconstruction was short lived because the southern states discovered new ways to rob African Americans for their basic rights. It was not until the 1960 that the African Americans gain their full rights as citizens
    2. It took almost 100 years for African American to gain their rights because once the African Americans got adjusted to their new ways of living the whites/southern states use their full opportunities to take their rights back.
    Li Xiao Ting 811

  22. 1)The congessinal construction was short lived because the southerns found the new ways to rob the African American to basic rights.
    2)It took nearly 100 years for African Americans to be able to exercise the rights they gained because they didn't have rights until then.

    1. I agree with you, but I think you should add more to your response to have the best response you can have

      Firuza Tojikulova 814

  23. 1.The congressional reconstruction was short lived because southerners found new ways to take basic rights away from African Americans. The African Americans didn't gain their full rights until 1960s.
    2.The African Americans gained their rights 100 years after they were freed because the whitemens found new ways to rob African Americans of basic rights. Fahima 811

  24. 1)The congessinal construction was short lived because the southerns found the new ways to rob the African American to basic rights.
    2)It took nearly 100 years for African Americans to be able to exercise the rights they gained because they didn't have rights until then.
    Wen Jian Lin 811

  25. 1. The success of the congressional reconstruction short lived is because the Southern States had found new ways to limit the rights of the African Americans.For example, they still treat the African Americans the same when they are enslaved.Most of the slaves don't have any skills, so their only choice is to work on the plantations. The Southerners pay the African Americans little to no crops they harvested. In addition, the Southerners gave the slaves bad working condition as usual too.

    2. It took them nearly 100 years to give the African Americans their full rights because the slaves had to get accepted in the South.
    Wei Zhuang, 811

  26. 1)The Congressional Reconstruction is short lived because people from the South found new ways to rob African Americans of basic rights.
    2) It took nearly 100 years for African Americans to be able to exercise the rights they gained because South would get to exercise their full rights as U.S. citizens. Andy Chen 811

  27. 1. The congressional reconstruction was short lived becuase the Southern states had found new ways to rob African Americans of basic rights.

    2. It took neary 100 yraes for African Americans to be able to exercise the rights they gained because it wasn't untial in 1960s that African Americans in the South would get their full U.S. citizens rights.

    Mujibur Shaad 811

    1. Why is your first one the same as Andy Chen's?

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Why is your first answer the same as everyone else's

  29. 1.the congressional reconstruction was short lived becuase southerners found new ways to take basic rights away from african americans. Until 1960s african amercians expressed their full rights and freedom

    2.they didn't get their rights until 1960's because the south was mad at the slaves because they were the reason all their crops got burned in sherman's march to the. And when they had no slaves to do their work so when the slaves returned for work they were treated worse then before

    Zain 814

  30. 1. The Congressional Reconstruction was short-lived because in a very short time, the south would of have already found a new way to steal rights from African Americans. This led to a no longer need of the Congressional Reconstruction, which caused it to end very early.
    2. It took nearly 100 years for African Americans to be able to exercise the rights they have because not everyone agreed with this idea, at first. It is not easy to have your servants all of the sudden be just as poweful as you are. So white southeners took about 60 years to talk things out and then finally agree to slaves being equal to them.

    Mohamed Helal 814

  31. The South get their new ways to rob African Americans of basic right,for example since the slaves only knew how to plant crops and have no other skills so they were so treated the same. This is what caused the Congressional Reconstruction short-lived. by zhi cheng lin 814

    1. Zhi Cheng your response is too short and I don't see the answer for the second question, are you sure with your answer?
      Qiaoling Wu 814

  32. 1. In attempt to revive the United States,the Congressional Reconstruction was rather short-lived. People from the South thought of new ways to steal the basic rights from the African Americans,who were once slaves.
    2.Since African Americans were once slaves,it took nearly 100 years for African Americans to be able to gain the freedom and rights that they truly deserve.However,it wasn't until 1960s that it changed.The African Americans in the South were allowed in the United States as citizens instead of slaves.
    From, Andy Zheng 814

  33. 1) The reason of why the Congressional Reconstruction was short lived is because the Southerners was trying to find new ways to make the freed slaves suffer. Soon, they had found a new to make freed slaves suffer by robbing some of the right that freed citizens have. Also, the 15th Amendment, that was passed to freed slaves, didn't work. The southerners still treat the freed slaves horribly like before.
    2) It took nearly a hundred years for African Americans to be able to exercise the rights they gain because of racism. Another reason is because some Southerners still strongly disagree with freeing African Americans so they created the KKK. The KKK was a secretive group the strongly disagree with freeing African Americans. They beat, killed, and harmed the African Americans for getting their rights and being free.

    Lillian Guo 814


    2. who's that person who said "DUDEEEE, SOOO RUDEEE"?

  34. 1. The success of Congressional Reconstruction was short lived because the 15th Amendment didn't work. The Southern states found new ways to rob African Americans freedom and rights. For example, they still treated them as slaves. The African Americans can only be farmers or servants which was what they did as slaves. The south also formed groups like Ku Klux Klan(KKK). KKK beat men in front of their families. They also killed many people.

    2. It took 100 years for African Americans to be able to exercise the rights they gained because they just got freed as slaves and they are adjusting to the new life they got. They got the same rights as regular American citizen did. However, the South didn't want them to have the same rights as them so they found ways to rob their freedom and rights. Eventually, the South finally accepted them as American citizens and the African Americans finally got the rights they always had but could never used.

    Gloria Yu 814

    1. Great job! You gave so many great examples!
      -Denise Cruz

  35. 1. The Congressional Reconstruction was short-lived because the Southern states had found a new way to rob the right that's belonged to African American. They also enacted the Black Code which African American can't get their rights. Their rights were being limited in the South.
    2. It's all because of the code that setted by the South, the Black Code, and they set curfews. And so on, freedmen could't own guns and rights that Whites had. Also because of the group, KKK(Ku Klu Klan) start beating up the free African American, they killed black people and burned their houses. It gets hard for black people to be active outside because they're all afraid of KKK and afraid of being killed. Until the KKK was arrested and put on trial, they're saved start gaining their rights.
    Qiaoling Wu 814

  36. 1. Even though the congressional reconstruction was short lived, people of the south still dreaded the african americans even after the reconstruction since they were the part of the U.S. that didn't want slavery at all to end. So of course, they would discriminate and criticize them in the most harsh ways. Therefore, they're rights are still stolen even after the reconstruction where the confederacy and union get back together.
    2. It took 100 years because slavery has been around for a long time and people are used to african americans being treated shoddily or in other words, badly. Hence, as time goes by where african americans are technically free, americans probably got the hang of the african americans being equivalent to the rest of them americans and actually came to realize that they're great people and deserves respect.

    Bryan Lieu 814

  37. The congressional reconstruction was short because the south people find an new way of taking their right away from African American.

    it takes many years because for African Americans to get all the rights because until 1960s that African American
    in the south would get their full us citizen right

    1. How about you take the time to not copy and paste and actually use the brain your parents worked so hard to get you.

  38. 1) The Congressional Reconstruction was shot lived because Southern States found ways to burglarize African American fundamental rights. For instance , the 13th Amendment freed all the African Americans, however, they still had to have paper to travel , African Americans couldn't work other Plantations or servant.
    2) The reason it took nearly 100 years after 13 Amendment had past and African Americans got their full liberation because the supreme court mentioned that all African American will have equal right just as any other Americans, however they had to be separate.

    Shoeb Emon 814

  39. 1.The Congressional Reconstruction was short-lived because the Southern states had found the new ways to rob the basic rights of African American by the early 1900s. took nearly 100 years for African Americans to be able to exercise the rights they gained because The KKK and other groups were secretly avoiding African American from being accepted by the society.Furthermore,most Southerners were still treating African American without respect

    Xinyi Huang 814

  40. Zain, explain why and how African Americans finally got their rights.

  41. The congressional reconstruction was short because the south people find an new way of taking their right away from African American.

    it takes many years because for African Americans to get all the rights because until 1960s that African American
    in the south would get their full us citizen right

    by andy jiang 814

  42. 1)The Congressional Reconstruction was short term because the Southern states had found forms to take away the rights African American's had the the right to. This is demonstrated when the Southern states prohibited African Americans to travel without papers. Also, the Southern states limited the jobs African Americans could have. Furthermore, freed slaves did not have the right to own a gun. These are some reasons towards why the Congressional Reconstruction did not last.
    2)It took nearly 100 years for African American to be able to exercise the rights they gained as U.S citizens because the South would not accept change. So they did many things to prevent African Americans from using their rights. Such as the kkk group forming and racsium.
    -Denise Cruz

    1. Nice usage of notes from that video!

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. 1)The congressional reconstruction was short lived because the southern state just find a new way to rob African American's freedom or right.For example,the KKK,they killed alot of freedman and treat them as nothing.They beat men in front of their family.Freedme still need paper to travel down the streets. Unfortunate for freedmen,their job is still farmer and servant which is the same as before.
    2)It took nearly 100 years for African Americans to be able to exercise the right they gain,because it's not until 1960s that African Americans to get their full right as a citizen.

    Shao Yang Li 814

  45. 1. The Congressional Reconstruction's success was short-lived because of the South's reaction towards the reconstruction freeing their slaves. For example, even though the slaves were freed on paper, the South did not follow. They enacted the Black Codes onto the slaves who were now freed which restricted them from even things that the slaves should have. Things just changed back the way it was before the slaves were freed/
    2.It took nearly one hundred years for the freedmen to be able to use their rights because of all the tension between the North and the South. When the North does something that would lighten up the situation, the South finds a way to go against it. For example, when the Slaves were freed by the North's reconstruction project, the South put the slaves back into their original place by placing the Black Codes on them. Thus, this demonstrates how the South does not like what the North is doing and finds ways that would make what the North does ineffective

    Peng Jie 814

  46. It takes nearly 100 years for african americans to have full US citizens because the southerners were not was use to how the slaves become free and no one work for they. Also it is too late for the old slaves to learn and it takes times for the young slaves to learn skills by zhi cheng lin 814

  47. 1. The congressional reconstruction was short lived.The South don't agree to the laws that the North create.To them the congressional reconstruction was about the rights that slave had,however this only count on paper and not in real life. In addition,the South form a secret group to kill the slave called KKK.
    2. It took nearly 100 year for the African American to be able to exercise the rights they gained because they gain their rights not until 1960s. YuXinOuYang 814

  48. 1.The congressional reconstruction was short lived because the southern don't want to follow the laws.They had change the laws, but people in the South still did what they did before not taking the new laws seriously.The south had formed a group to kill the slaves.
    2.It took nearly 100 years for African Americans to be able to exercise the rights they gained because the African American in south get U.S citizen rights in 1960s. YanYing wu 814

  49. 1. The success of congressional reconstruction was short lived because the southerners decided to limit African Americans' right. For example, they still treated them as they were slaves. They think that African America were lower than them, so they made them did jobs that they didn't want to do. They also limit the things that can do, like drinking the same water and going to the same school.
    2. It took nearly 100 years for African Americans to gained their right because the southerners don't want to accept that African Americans were equal as them. So, they slowly gave back there rights. Until, 1960s African Americans finally got all of their rights back.
    Michelle Lin 814

  50. 1. The congressional reconstruction was short lived because the southerns did want to be equal with the blacks so they created ways to rob the African Americans' basic rights.
    2. It took nearly 100 years for African Americans to be able to exercise the rights they gained because the southerners didnt want the blacks to be free and they created secret groups to cause fear towards the blacks.

    Ekaterina Kim 814

    1. Southerners DIDN'T want to be equal with with blacks
      You wrote that they did.

  51. 1. The success of the Congressional Reconstruction was short lived because the Southern States found unique ways to take away the basic rights of African Americans.

    2.It took nearly 100 years for African Americans to gain the rights Southerns had because when they first got there freedom the Southerns weren't happy about African Americans being freed so there were secret groups created so they would be scared of what will happen to them

    Jessica Lin 814

  52. 1.The Congressional Reconstruction was short lived because African Americans had basic rights.This allowed them to rob them in different ways
    2.It took nearly 100 years for the African Americans to have full rights because not alot of people liked that African Americans were free.
    Bryant Ariza 814

  53. 1) there are many reasons why the Reconstruction was very short lived. many people didnt liked the way how slaves got their freedom. life was changing very quickly, and many feared that slaves would soon take over. people wanted to keep control of slaves and so they started abusing people also known as racism. southern states didnt liked how fast life was changing and they came up with their own laws.they passed the black codes which unable african americans to have the right to vote, own a gun, and many other rights that freedman had.southern states set out curfews, this only gave a certain amount of time in order for slaves to get their papers. without papres slaves wouldnt be able to own their freedom. slaves had their freedom only on paper which as well was hard for african americans. the north was horrified and couldnt believe that they lost lives for no reason. they soon passed the 14th amendment, which gave all freedman the same rights as all american citizens. however southern states didnt liked what they heard and started secret groups such as the kkk.
    joceline aguilar 814

  54. 1.The success of Congressional Reconstruction was short lived because southerners had found new ways to limit African Americans' rights. For example, they treated them still like treating slaves. African Americans might not talk much at that time because they might not know they have those rights. Or, they don't know how to use those rights to protect themselves.
    2.It took nearly 100 years for African Americans to be able to exercise the rights they gained because South gave African Americans full U.S. citizen rights until 1960s. Southerners don't want to accept that African Americans are equal to them.
    -Rui Xin Lin 814

  55. 1. The success of the Congrssional reconstruction was short lived because the southern states had found new ways to rob African Americans basic rights.
    2.It took 100 years for African Americans to be able to exercise the rights they gained probably because the government pass new rules that bans the practies of practicing their right, such as the "seperate but equal rules", and ect.
    Jackie Wong 814

  56. The success of the Congressional Reconstruction was shortly lived. There were many whites who wasn't able to see themselves equally present as the African Americans in the society. They feared of everything being in favor of the colored people, and they would loose their power and control as they did in many cases after the reconstruction. This provoked the whites into becoming indignant and creating ways to put down the African Americans. The southerner whites set strict rules on the colored people. For instance, without a paper they weren't able to travel. Additionally, they enacted the black codes. The norther whites on the other hand believed the Civil War victory wasn't helping since the whites of the South are still trying to harass the African Americans. This evoked them into releasing the 14th amendment which clearly states all men are equal, despite they color or race. The whites in the South wasn't going to let the North decide everything, as a result, they stepped up their game, and found other ways to make the lives of the African Americans more trouble-some. The high positioned members of the southern society decided to join secret groups such as the Ku Klux Klan(KKK). These groups were performing the acts of terrorism and made the African Americans their victims.

    It took about 100 years for the African Americans to practice the rights they have gained. This is because the whites of the South continued to put the lives of the African Americans in a miserable situation. They weren't ready to accept the African Americans, who they called their slaves some time back were now standing in the same position as them in the society.
    Mehrin Faisal 814

  57. 1.The success of the Congressional Reconstruction was short lived, because southerners still were able to find new ways to take away African Americans rights. After the blacks finally get some of their rights, groups from the Southern states would get angry and remove those rights.This is why the Congressional Reconstruction was shortly lived, and African Americans were only able to practice their full rights in the 1960's.

    2. It took about 100 years for African Americans to practice the rights they gained because of the southerners reactions.Southerners didn't want African Americans to acquire their full rights.This is why they always took those right away from the African Americans, which lead them to finally getting their full rights 100 years later.

    Soha Ahmedshaker 814

  58. 1) The Congress Reconstruction was short lived because the men of the southern region refused to believe the fact that African Americans will receive the basic rights of the country. They know that they're capable of preventing this by creating new rules and laws that take away these rights from slaves. This caused slaves to basically lose all the equal rights that they had gained throughout the government.
    2) It took over 100 years for the African Americans to exercise and regain the rules they had gained simply due to the southern white men. They have been using the black men as a workforce to sell crops and earn money. They have utilized these slaves for over hundreds of years and forced them to maintain labor on their plantations. This caused many difficulties for those African Americans since the southern men would always be an obstacle they had to slowly pass through.

    -Devin Xie 814
