Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Ellis Island

Ellis Island was often referred to as the "Gateway to the New World" because people were ushered from place to place until they exited a gate that would allow them access to America. The process of checking the immigrants was to make sure that each individual passed tests before being allowed to enter America. As many as one out of five immigrants did not pass the tests and were denied access to America. These people were returned to their homelands. If a person was sick and could possibly infect others, was suffering from mental illness, or was thought to be a criminal; the immigrant would be detained, eventually returned to the boat, and then returned to his or her homeland.
1.     What is your opinion of the immigrant testing process? Is it fair or unfair? Explain.
2.     Explain the purpose of the process.
3.     What modern ideas about immigration can you compare it to? Explain 


  1. #1,The immigrant testing process was unfair because some immigrants cannot even read their own language and not all people from their country will help them. Also if their parents or grandparents was criminal and then they get send back this is unfair because if their parents were criminal that does not mean that they were or will become a criminal. by zhichenglin 814

  2. I think I agree with the criminal searches for people to be allowed into the country, however, to check one's entire family is a bit too much.

  3. Could you clarify the points in the answers about the testing?

  4. I honestly find the testing process to be unfair because the administrators of the so called, "Gateway" expect that these immigrants to coincidentally know English as they were given reading tests in English. If they were to get anything wrong then they wouldn't be able to get through the "Gateway".Also, even if the immigrants showed the slightest bit of such as the common sneezing and coughing, then they would be sent right back to their country right after they were contained.The only way they were able to get through the gate was to pass the exams that were given which I find crucially unfair because how were the immigrants suppose to know how to read English if they didn't even know how to read in their own language? It makes no sense whatsoever. The same stupidity would be shown in immigration if Donald Trump were to be elected President. He stated himself that his plan would be to "build a wall" as if it were to be enough to stop illegal immigration. Lets not let him "overcomb" himself.

    -Bryan Lieu 814 <(-_-)/

    1. lawl mah boi with the vocabulary... lit stuff fam. Keep it up man.

  5. #2,The purpose of the immigrants testing is to limited the amount of immigrants and let the one that could make contribute to america.Immigrants need to know some English in order to pass the test this make a lot of immigrants get send back to their home country. by zhichenglin 814

  6. I believe the immigrant testing process was very unfair. some people who came here didn't know much of their own language let alone knowing English. when they came they had to go trough medical test for any issues wit their health. Some who had contagious diseases were sent back to where they came from. They don't realize that the people that came here (the ones with sicknesses) came here for a chance to get better. Instead of getting cured when they come to the U.S. they get sent right back they had very high hopes for a better life and many more but some of them were forced to continue dreaming as they were not accepted into the U.S.This is not fair for everyone as some were not given enough attempts to be able t get into the U.S.

    kamo karimov 814

    1. You have a couple of mistakes in your paragraph.


  7. 1.My opinion about the immigrant testing process is that its unfair.I think this because most people in there country did not know how to read in there own language.If they can't read there on language,then how are they suppose to read English.
    2.The purpose of this process is to limit the amount of immigrants coming to America.
    3.Some modern ideas is that i can compare it to is to the person Donald Trump because he wants to limit the rights for immigrants.He wants to get rid of muslims that are living here.

    Bryant Ariza 814

  8. 1. My opinion of the immigrant testing process is that is it unfair. I think it is unfair because one tests is literacy test and some immigrants don't know how to even speak their native language. It is even worst if you test them on a language they don't even know. If they don't past the test, they are sent back to their homeland and can't go back to America. Also, another test is medical tests. The medical tests test if they are sick or not. If they are sick, they can't go into America and will be sent back. The medical tests are unfair because it is not fault that they are sick. The sickness could possibly be cured but they still sent them back if they are really sick. The last test is background information check. This test shows your family and your background information. If one of your family members was a criminal, you couldn't enter into America and be sent back. This is unfair because if your family member was a criminal, it doesn't mean you are also a criminal.

    2. The purpose of the process for immigrants is because they want to decrease the amount of immigrants entering America. They used many tests on them to see what they are capable of. If they fail one of the tests, they can't enter America and will have to be sent back to their homeland. If they passed all the tests, they get to enter into America. They wanted to decrease the amount of immigrants coming in because the citizens in America don't want to lose their jobs. If they lose their jobs, they can't earn money. Since there is a lot of immigrants coming in, there will be the need of more jobs. The immigrants need jobs to earn money so they can live properly.

    3. The modern ideas about immigration that I can compare it to is Donald Trump's idea. Donald Trump's idea is that he wants to build a wall to stop immigrants coming in. The immigrants he doesn't have to come in are Mexicans, Muslims, Chinese, illegal people, terrorists, national people. This is like the whole world. He doesn't want any immigrants to come in. It is just like how in the past, Americans didn't want anyone to come in to America. He thinks America is not great and he wants to make America great again.

    -Gloria Yu 814

  9. 1)The immigrant testing process is completely unfair for those coming to America. The tests consists of reading and contains the country's native languages (English). Many of those immigrants that come down to Ellis Island to take the tests are provided with many questions that they have absolutely no clue of what it is comprehending towards simply because they don't understand our language. It clearly shows how unfair the tests that are given to those immigrants are, since it literally shuts out so many of those who come to our country.

    2) The process for those immigrants who come to America is very unreasonable and complicated. They are given criminal record background checks to observe if any of their ancestors or siblings of any kind have been contributing in any kind. Any immigrants whose ancestors have been related to any criminal records will be immediately taken out of the Island. This is unreasonable due to the fact that it usually doesn't coordinate with anything the immigrants have since those records may be irrelevant and ancient. Also, they check for any sickness or disease that the people are diagnosed with. They don't even use any of their personal time to care or aid those in need. This process seems completely unreasonable; however, it's purpose is to limit the amount of immigrants that enter the country since they may take away too much of those opportunities that are supposed to be given for the Americans.

    3)Many things tat occur during the process in Ellis Island can be related to present ideas and events that are happening right now. One great example of this is our presidential debate. One candidate (Donald Trump) feels the need to build a wall that will separate us from immigrants that come to America. This is similar to past incidents simply because it keeps immigrants away from America and confirm that those people don't manage to come through and enter this country

    -Devin Xie 814

  10. 1)The immigrants testing is unfair to those people who just came to a new country,the test on Ellis island is too harsh for immigrants to pass.For example,people need to pass all tests to be able to stay, such as medical and literacy test.some immigrants are came to have a better life, not to came to pass some tests.Some of them may not know the language and that's just unfair.
    2)The purpose of the process is to prevent that many people from join the country.Only people who's clever/smart will be able to pass the test,because immigrants need to pass all test,make sure their family have no criminal check and no illness.In a word,only people who may have a bright/success future will be able to stay.
    3)In the modern day, it has some similarities with Ellis island,such as donald trump, he thinks that US need to built a wall that prevent immigrants to get in. This is similar because in past then, Ellis island make tests to prevent immigrants from join, and the idea were the same.

  11. 1. My opinion of the immigrants opinion process is that its mistreating foreigners in many different ways. I think they are using it to make less people come in America. Its unfair because even if a persons grandpa was a criminal, that doesnt mean they are to.

    2. The purpose of the process was to let in healthy, smart and immigrants who will change U.S in good ways.

    3. In the present right now I would compare this to the debate happening now in U.S. Donald Trump wants to build a wall that Trump wants to build to make it harder for people to get in. The testing was like an obstacle people had to get through to go in America.

    Firuza Tojikulova 814

    1. I need you to clarify your response for number one...Is there more to number two though?

  12. 1. I think the tests were unfair because the medical test was the first unfair test. It is to see if you are sick and if you were sick you were sent back to their homeland. The second unfair test was to see if they can read or write since they are from a different county they obviously won't know how to read or write English

    2.The U.S.A wanted healthy and educated people in their country so they can make america look good. The criminal check test wanted to know if their was a criminal in your family. If somebody in your family diobeyed the law you were sent back because they could have an influence on people in the country.

    3.Donald trump (donald duck, Donald dump) if he gets elected he is going to build a wall that is going to block mexicans from illegaly coming to U.S.A

    Zain-ul-abideen 814

    1. I agree with you in questions 1 and 2 but I think you should add more on your answer for question 3. Why are these two similar?
      Firuza Tojikulova 814

  13. 1. I think the immigrant testing process was unfair. The test consisted of many useful(for the U.S. needs),but, unreasonable tasks. For example, the background check. It was useful for the U.S.'s safety, however, unreasonable for the being-tested contestant. Just because their past family members were bad doesnt mean the contestant is bad to. This test actually let down alot of people.
    2. The main purpose of the immigrant testing process was to do a safe-check for any new incoming immagrants entering the U.S.. It was to mainly see if you were good or legal to start a new life in America.
    3. Immagration in modern standards compares to Donald Trumps ideas on immigration. His ideas of building a wall and blocking out muslims from the U.S. is like the Ellis Island test of today, hard to pass for oppurtunity seekers.

    Mohamed Helal 814

  14. #3,Both back then and right now the government try to limited the amount of immigrants. For example, the wall that Trump is trying to build to stop immigrants from other country coming to america and in 19th century the testing process also try to limit the amount of immigrants. by zhichenglin 814

  15. I totally agree with the entire process because why should we allow people into the United States who can not be productive. If you cant read it is not my problem to fix. If you are sick you should be shipped back to your home country ...I dont want what you have. Maybe we need walls if not physical then another for of obstacle.

    1. Didn't you feel unfair that they came here without knowing anything and the tests were shown in front of them?

  16. 1. The immigrant testing process was unfair because the immigrants came here without knowing anything and all of the sudden when they came here there's tests that they did't know until they came here. They came here with no preparation at all. And for some immigrants that's sick or having mental illnesses, they just went back to their home and told them to cure themselves then came back here? I meant, what if they died during travel back to their home? If America HAVE doctors and nurses to cured people, why don't they locked the patients in the separate room until they're totally heal?
    2.the purpose of the process was to limited people from coming here. But if you don't want people to came here, then why you open this island and let them to come and then send them back to their homeland again? Was Ellis Island a trick to immigrants to show they're idiots?
    3. I think the modern idea about immigration that's similar to this process was the blocking "wall" (from Trump, definitely)to block people from coming here to America.In another term to say this, you the AMERICA(DONALD TRUMP) don't want people to came here and fulfill their wishes(have a better job and better life).
    From Qiaoling Wu from 814

  17. 1) I think that the testing process of the immigrants are unfair to the immigrants. The testing process includes criminal background check, literacy test, and mental or any kind of illness test. The criminal background check is unfair because the test isn't fully testing the immigrants but the their ancesters too to see if they are criminals. Even when the person has not committed any crimes, they are forced to leave because of their ancesters who committed the crime. The literacy tests makes sure that the immigrants know how to read their own language, but some immigrants are not well educated as the others so it's unfair. The mental illness testing makes sure that no one ill is allowed to access America. This test is unfair because some illness are mistaken as deadly but it can be cured. Also, even if the illness isn't deadly, they are denied to access America. These are the reasons why I think the testing process is unfair.
    2) The purpose of the testing process is to limit the amount of immigrants that are coming to America. This is because people fear that immigrants may take over their jobs and leave them jobless. Also, people want to improve America so the let the people who are educated gain access to the gateway to the new world.
    3) The modern ideas about immigrants can be compared to Trump's idea of building a wall. Trumps idea is to build a wall to keep the immigrants out. this relates to the testing process because the immigrants have to face the challenge of facing the wall to access the gateway o the new world.

    Lillian Guo 814

  18. My point of view on the the immigration testing process is that it was not a fair process. I place confidence in that the testing process was not fair because many immigrants did not comprehend or know how to read their own language. So as a result, it would be more complicated for them to take a test in English and many immigrants would most likely not pass the test. The purpose of this process is so their would be a limit of immigrants that entered the United States of America because many Americans didn't want immigrants to be better then them. A modern idea about immigration that i can compare this process to is Donald Trump's idea of building a wall between Mexico and The United states Of America to prevent Mexicans from coming to the United States illegally. The literacy test was like a wall by this I mean an obstacle for many immigrants, because many immigrants were not educated in their country because of a lack of money. Another example is that to get papers in the United States many immigrants have to go through a long process before they come. Some things that immigrants experienced when they arrived to America was discrimination and they were taken advantage of. For instance they are paid less for their work.
    ^Denise Cruz

  19. 1. In my opinion i think that the immigrants testing process is unfair because there was a paper test for the immigrants to answer, but many of them didn't even know there own language so either do english.

    2.The purpose of the process is to limit the amount of immigrants coming in to America. Many people are trying to come to America for a better life, but some of them might be crime in their own country and trying to sneak out. Some of the immigrants may have illness that can't be cured, so Americans were scared of having them. This process also will help the Americans to know if the immigrants have the ablitiy to live in America.

    3.The modern ideas about immigration that can be compare to it is Dondald Trump's idea of building a wall on the border of Mexico and United States to block Mexican from coming to USA, and blocking many other people from coming. For example, Mexican, Muslims and people all around the world.
    Michelle Lin 814

  20. 1)The immigrants testing process is unfair because the sickness can't be control by ourselves. Because of the sickness, you would be send back to your homeland. Do you want that? The test is also unfair because people might have problems about languages.
    2)The purpose of the test is that government need to take care about people that already in America. They need to be make sure that new immigrants would not harm the country.
    3)The modern idea I can connect to is Donald Trump's idea. He also agree with the test about immigrants.
    -Rui Xin 814

  21. 1. My my opinion of the immigrant testing process is unfair.to star off, the test was in English.Theyjust came here they didn't learn English.Also,some didn't even get educated in their own language. In an, they will
    2 The purpose of the process was to limit immigrant coming here.to star off, the test was in English, but immigrants that get returned back to their own country if they were sick.However,they might die on there way back.
    2. The purpose of the process was to limit the people that come in.This include not having too much people here.More over, they want the people who were useful to this country and they let them in.
    3.The modern ideas about immigrant that could compare to the wall that Donald Trump want to have. Both the test in the 19th century and the wall are use to not let immigrant keep coming here.

  22. 1. In my opinion,the immigrant testing process was unfair for many reasons.To start off, most people didn't know how to read there own language so they would most likely not know how to speak English. Another reason why it is unfair is because if one of there ancestors was a criminal it doesn't mean that this person would be a criminal.

    2. The purpose of this process was to make sure that the immigrants that came in would help the United States become a better place.The purpose of taking the medical test was to see if someone had a mental illness that can possibly infect others and if they did they would return to there homeland.

    3. One idea that was similar from immigration back then and now is that people didn't want immigrants to come to America. When doing the tests they denied most of the immigrants to come to America and now Trump wants to build a wall to keep immigrants out of America.

    Jessica Lin 814

    1. Your reasons are good, however the purpose of the immigrant testing process was mainly to limit the amount of immigrants entering the United States

      Soha Ahmedshaker 814

  23. 1)I think it was fair because it ensure that only people worthy(useful) can get into America. The immigrant testing process limited number of immigrants entering America.Allowing those in America to be productive and can be helpful by helping create a good change in America
    2)It insure that no one can commit a crime and can help keep America safe (help make America great again).The process was to help keep the best of the best,helping improve America by sharing culture population and more.
    3)something i can relate on this on todays modern ideas is building a wall (make America great again) The wall idea was to keep out immigrants out by making a huge challenge to make it hard to get into America this idea is related to the testing on Ellis island by preventing/creating a challenge by limiting the amount of immigrants coming to America however helps insure that only productive people can help improve or add ideas to what others have to say.

    -Jack Turuy

  24. There were people can't write, read,and speak.There are some people that does not contain criminal and they check your family.if They have and you going back to your home land.Also,it had nothing to do with you.so people who can't write,they sent you back when you were sick and had criminal background.So i think the test is unfair for immigrants.
    2) The purpose of the process is to eliminate immigrant from going to America and fail in life.They want useful people to make America great.So they eliminate the ones who don't know how to write and read.
    3) For example the man who is running for president Donald trump.He said that he will build the wall and keep any illegal immigrants out of USA. He is basically saying he don't want any to come in america.so modern immigration will be hard if trump is the president.
    By Andy Jiang 814

  25. 1.in my perspective,the immigrants testing progress was absolutely unfair.firstly,many immigrants could not even read their own language therefore force them to take the reading test was a way to fail them deliberately.Secondly, if merely just one of the immigrant's family has disease then the whole family's access to America would be denied.Obviously,this process took away many immigrants'access to America.
    2.the purpose of the process was to eliminate the numbers of immigrant that would be allowed to enter America thus the government could maintain the population of America.Additionally, people lived in America wouldn't be afraid that their social sources would be taken away.
    3.Comparing to the idea that was proposed by Donald Trump that American should build wall to avoid immigrants keep coming to America.This idea share the same perspective with the testing process. They both attempted to block people from coming to America.

    -Xinyi Huang(814)

  26. 1. My opinion on the immigrant testing process is that it's unfair because for literacy tests, many immigrants didn't have an education on English. Also, they did background checks on the immigrants and their family to see if they are or were criminals in the family so they can keep them out.
    2. The purpose of the process was to gain healthy and worthy immigrants rather than sick or weak immigrants. Most of the immigrants had problems and it showed that it'd be hard to get into the country.
    3. A comparison would be the wall that Donald Trump wanted to build and the tests for the immigration. The tests prevent the immigrants for getting into the country and the wall is to prevent from Mexicans from coming over since he saw them all as criminals.

    Ekaterina kim 814

  27. #1: In my opinion,the immigrant testing process are unfair to the immigrants.First of all, the tests that must been taken are in a different language than the language the immigrants has been using.In addition to the harsh test being given, a search of the immigrant's family history are taken as well.If the investigator found out that the immigrant's parents or grandparents are believed to be criminals,then the result will be the immigrant returning to their homeland. This is disagreeable because people can't judge other people of their races and their family history.
    #2:The purpose of the immigrants testing process is to limit the number of immigrants coming to America and also to keep the people who has abilities to do something. The result of keeping people who has abilities to do something is that it helped America to recruit people that can actually do something for a low wage.
    #3:I could compare the idea of immigration to Donald Trump's ideal of building a big wall in the border of Mexico in order to stop Mexicans coming to United States.Both ideas has similar points.For example, America wanted to limit immigrants which means to stop them to going to America and Donald Trump's idea of building a big wall wanted to keep the Mexicans out of United States.
    ANDY ZHENG, from 814

  28. This WHOLE process was only to limit the people in the U.S. Now don't get me wrong,it is very important to keep criminals and contagious diseases out of the U.S. but the way t as being done s very wrong. Not enough effort was put in to try and get as much people into the U.S. as possible. Just because you had a sickness that the "doctors/nurses" couldn't cure they just said bye-bye to you and you couldn't live your only dream to live in the U.S. This is not fair and it is not right.

    kamo karimov 814 ( ͡° ͜Ê– ͡°)

  29. 1.In my opinion, the process of immigrant testing is unfair because it tests their disadvantages. For example, the test includes a language reading session and as we know, most of the immigrants have no knowledge in American language and some can't even read their own language. Therefore, it limits many immigrants abilities to gain access to America.
    2.The purpose of this process is to limit the amount of immigrants coming into America as well as to filter out the immigrants who can't contribute much to the country and only take in those who can. The reason of these purposes is to keep the immigrants under control while they still contribute to country not overriding those that were not immigrants.
    3.The tax plans of both presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton can be compared to the process of process f testing immigrants because they share a similar idea. The tax plan of Donald Trump's says to reduce the amount of tax while Hillary Clinton's says to increase tax. This poses as an obstacle to business people. In a similar way, the process of testing immigrants poses as an obstacle for immigrants to get into America
    Peng Jie Wu 814

  30. Ellis Island was the main entrance for immigrants who came to the United states, between 1852 and 1954, before it closed. five-thousand people came a day, only twelve million people were able to come through it. many would come for a better future, and better world.many thought that america was their their answer to most of their problems.they came here for freedom, more opportunities, new beginnings. but not every was the way they used to think about it once they reached the "gateway". people were excited that they have made it to the gate, the gate that would allow them their access to america.but before they entered they had to go through a set of examinations that would grand them their access to the new world.this process of this examination, was to put immigrants through test that would define if they were eligible to enter. i believe that this set of test were unfair to many immigrants.for many of them struggled to read their own language,so that they come and find themselves taking a test that they have no idea what its about.once they stepped on the entrance they faced difficulties taking these test. i believe it was unfair because anything that seen out of order/ normal, such as if a person carried a simple illness he/she should be returned to their homeland.if he/she was found with a criminal record he/she should not be allow to the land and send back home. but what was the purpose of all this?this was done so that the amount of immigrants were put to a limit. for they only needed strong/ well stated men/ people.even in our present day,people still run the same ideas. in our modern world we can observed many immigrants being treated the way people were ytreated back then. this can relate to how we now see the idea of building a wall to prevent people from coming into our country.but why/ because we fear that these people some how would tale over,what we think we have built when they are who brought america up.

    joceline aguilar 814

  31. 1)The immigrant testing process was fair,indeed. To elaborate, the testing process such as literacy test,back ground check, Physically/ /Mentally/Medically all right was few extremely crucial tests before letting any immigrants in America.The first reason is people wanted to make sure that criminals does not enter U.S because if once U.S gets influenced by Criminals it will create a huge problem as a result. In addition, people wanted to ensure that immigrants are not carrying any infectious disease because if once it starts to spread it will have a huge effect on America.Lastly, it was very fundamental to check immigrants physical conditions because at that point America wanted strong build and knowledgeable people that can contribute well and try to support America because economic system was very low in America , which can be one reason why America wanted people who are physically fit and deserve to be in America.
    2) There are several purpose behind the process of testing immigrants. To began with, the administrators of the test wanted to make sure that America is safe without any type of criminals that can effect our nation. Moreover, cause of the Civil war many active Business/Factories/Roads have been demolished, which was one of the most important source that supported United States economy and, now United States need more people to work on these places and (physically fit) immigrants were the right people because Immigrants want to migrate to America and they needed a job to work on in order to survive and , Americans took the advantage and paid them low wages to work on these places.Thus, this is one of the most crucial purpose.
    3) There are few differences between the primitive migration and the sophisticated migration.The first differences is in the earlier days people had to take several different tests to come to America , which we do in the modern days,however,back then if you didn't knew how to read or write you couldn't move to America and in the modern days it does not apply anymore. Furthermore, immigrants obviously have to take test in order to move to another country, however, they do not check if the person is Physically/Mentally/Medically all right.Lastly, the process of immigrants moving from Ellis Island was by purpose and it was mandatory to go through Ellis Island which was extremely harmful, however , in the modern days you can travel in peace and the way you want as long as it's legal.

    Shoeb Emon 814

  32. Kamo Karimov 814, I disagree with your statement.You have stated that it's not fare that if the immigrants fail literacy test they just send them back to where they are from, I understand what you trying to say, however ,at that point America wanted strong build and knowledgeable people that can contribute well to America.

    Shoeb Emon 814

  33. 1.Between 1852-1954, around 12 million foreigners came to the United States with dreams and hopes that they intended was going to be fulfilled in this country that they heard have its roads paved with gold. Before their entrance to this country, they had to go through a process that would verify is they are eligible to access to this country. The process was very discriminatory and unfair. The process is filled with many tests that the immigrants encounter as their biggest struggle. For instance, the immigrants have to pass a particular literacy tests before completing only one of the enquiries of the process. This was a difficult task because some of the immigrants who came here didn't learn their native language, as a result knowing this new language was impractical. In addition to this, the immigrants had to go through a medical and mental illness checkups which could put a barrier between leading you to another step closer or sending them back to their homes. Furthermore, immigrants also had to go through a background check, in order to verify if their history isn't associated with any criminal cases. All this steps that needed to be accomplished successfully only left one of the five immigrants to enter to their dream country.

    2.The entrance process, the immigrants have to go through holds back four out of the five immigrants from the acceptance of entering in the United States. This process serves the purpose of allowing only the highly effective people who can contribute to this country. They are choosing the best of the best and eliminating many others who doesn't meet their standards of having all the tests successfully completed without any complication. This is because they only wants the healthy and the effectual people in their country to contribute in developing the country into a better one. The Americans doesn't want the people who they believe won't be able to contribute their country, and also who they believe will take over the jobs that were primarily reserved for the Americans.

    3. This situation can be compared to the present day presidential candidate, Donald Trump's idea. Donald trump wants to create a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border that he believes will prevent immigrants from various countries to enter America. This can be similar to the entrance process of the immigrants to access in United States because during that time, the immigrants confronted setbacks, just as the immigrants today will also encounter the complication Donald trump is creating to if not prevent, to abundantly decrease the amount of immigrants coming in the United States.

    Mehrin Faisal 814

  34. 1. The immigrant process is unfair because the test is design to limit the amount of people coming to america. For example, many immigrant didn't know how to read nor write their own home lanuage and there will be no way that they're going to learn english that fast to pass the literacy test. Even if he/she pass it, there are other test waiting ahead of them, such as the medical test. If you look sick(even thought they're not), you'll be send back to your homeland, which is unfair.
    2. The main purpose of the immigrant process is limite the amount of people coming to america. When more and more immigrant came to america, the people who're already living here are fearing that their job or property might be taken away by them. However, if the test is still in place, lesser and lesser immigrant might be able to come to america, and the people that're already here might be less afraid of immigrant taking away their job or property.
    3. The immigrant process is almost the same thing when Donald Trump said that he'll build a wall across the border of the U.S and Mexico because the immigrant process seperate a certain group of people(ex: people coming into america v.s people returning back to their homeland)while the wall that Donald Trump propose to build is design to seperate the refuge coming to america from mexico from people that're already living here.

    Jackie Wong 8-14

  35. 1.My opinion on the immigrant testing process is that it was unfair.Immigrants went through tests that made it very hard to get into the new world. They went through processes such as Literacy and Medical tests.If you were found to be sick or not know how to write or speak English, you were sent back to your homeland.This made it very difficult for immigrants to get into the United States and acquire the life they wanted.

    2.The purpose of the immigrant testing process was to limit the amount of immigrants entering the United States.They didn't want any sick or weak immigrants entering their country. They wanted strong,English speaking immigrants that were willing to work hard.These tests created a boundary to the type and amount of immigrants that came into the U.S .

    3.I can compare these immigrant testing processes to Donald Trumps idea of a wall at the border between U.S and Mexico.His goal of building this wall is too avert immigrants from entering America.This is similar to the immigrant testing processes because it also limited the amount of immigrants coming to the United States

    Soha Ahmedshaker 814

  36. I think the process was unfair because those who didn't know how to read or write in english would have gone home.I think they should have lowered there standers for that test.

    1. that is a good idea because they r trying to make them fail the test.

  37. 1. I say that the immigrant testing process is fair. I say this because it would help prove that they are able to come to America. And if someone was sick then they couldn't come since it would make people in America sick. Kevin 822

    1. But then so many new comers will fail and got to go back.Then America will be a empty countries.

    2. From Yisenzeng 822

    3. Some of the tests were a bit unnecessary.(Literacy test) This is what schools are for. Mohammad Ijaz 822

    4. Some of the tests were a bit unnecessary.(Literacy test) This is what schools are for. Mohammad Ijaz 822

  38. Anthony Zhou 822-i think the process was unfair because considering that the new comers didn't now english as well i think the passing grade for it should have been lowered.

    1. Could you elaborate on this claim? What could you do to make the tests easier ?

      PS:You spelled "know" wrong and "I" and "English" shouldn't be lower case.

    2. I concur because immigrants were speaking their own language in their country. You can't expect them to automatically learn the language. This is common sense. Mohammad Ijaz 822

    3. From Darius Wong (822)

    4. HELLO, fixx your mistakes
      Md Rafiquzzaman 822

  39. 1.In my opinion,testing process is unfair because in back then.There were almost no one know English.So everyone will fail that test and got to go back home.
    2.The purpose of the process is to limit the amount of people.Because from back then,there's millions of people shade the America.They(Government)try to keep America empty.
    3.I can compare this process to Donald Trump's idea.He try to build the wall to keep immigrants away from America.This is similar of the process,because they both(process and Donald Trump's idea)are limiting amount of immigrant that coming from other countries.

    Yisen Zeng 822

  40. 1.I think the immigrant testing process is extremely unfair, they give immigrants test in English rather than give them test in their home language. In addition to this, sick people and the mentally-ill should be sent into America and given help.
    2.This process was clearly made to make sure that there aren't as many immigrants in America and if they were let in. They weren't mentally-ill or had a contagious disease
    3.Today immigration is not as bad, all you need to get past airports and other places is an ID. However, Donald Trump may change this. He says that he will make it so that immigrants have a harder time getting into America.
    -Darius Wong 822

  41. 2. The purpose of the process is to show either yes or no for someone that takes the test is able to come to America. It's like a Visa today but you needed to take a test.

  42. The immigration process of Ellis Island was unfair.First of all, they wanted to limit the amount of people coming to the United States. To add on, this can be compared to Donald Trump's idea on the wall.Furthermore, the wall is a more physical way for people to enter the United States.However, the hard immigration tests are another method. Mohammad Ijaz 822

    1. i agree with you that many people wants to start a new life in America but they are trying to make them go back.

  43. 1)my opinion about the immigrant testing process was it is unfair because many people may get sick because of the climates . Also they may just get nervous about it and many people did not get educated in their country so they wanted to get a new life in America.
    2)the purpose of the process was to make the immigrants not getting in to the country.
    3)the modern ideas about immigrants is Donald Trump is building the great wall to make the immigrants go back to their country . it is the same idea that in the pass they trying to make them go back.
    yexi lin 822

    1. Which other tests were given that made it tough on immigrants

  44. I think the testing idea is very unfair. For example, many immigrants don't speak English. How are they going to take the test if immigrants from other parts of the world can't read, understand and speak English. Many immigrants might be very smart and knowledgable. However, because they can't understand English their chance of getting to America is a low %. Approximately 30%. Kateryna 822

  45. Anthony Zhou-I think the reason why this process was put was so that they could check the backround of the newcomers and tell if there going to be not a threat or if they are they could know and send the home.

    1. Yisen Zeng 822-I disagree of your reason,because since too much people are coming from other countries,so the reason will be limit amount of people that coming from other places.

    2. Kevin Rozanski 822- I also disagree since people wanted to come here. The only way that people would be set back home if they look sick or has criminal records. This process could prevent illness in America and lots of criminals in America.

  46. 3. I can compare modern immigration to it by saying that people needed to get approved in order to go to other places. People today also get a passport in their homeland to go to America.

    1. Yisen Zeng 822-I agree your reason,but i want to add more about it.The other compare of modern is the Donald Trump's idea of build a wall.

  47. The Immigrant testing process was unfair because it gave the new-coming immigrants unnecessary tests just to pass into Ellis island. - Diamon Roebuck 822

    1. What test?Elaborate more.Az 822

  48. I think the immigrant testing process was unfair because other people from other homelands probably doesn't understand the language so they cannot pass the test.Immigrants probably was not educated.
    Jenny Chen 822

  49. Kevin 822 from 2. and 3.

  50. The process of this process is to give immigrants an idea that not everyone may come to America. For example, if people are ill, and can't speak or understand English then they can't live in America. Americans want immigrants to understand that even though America is a free country, it's not for everyone. America takes people that can make America be a better country. If useless people come to America, what is the point of freedom. In my opinion America just wants educated people who can improve America. Kateryna 822

    1. Yisen Zeng 822-I agree.

    2. I disagree a little. They can come to America if they don't understand English or know it yet. When they arrive they can now learn it, it's not a problem. Illness and criminals were the problem.

  51. Anthony Zhou 822-I can compare this too DONALD TRUMP because just like now and back then when there where too many new comers they would try kick them out.

  52. 1)I think the testing process was unfair because if you don't speak English how would you take the test. If you had any sickness they would send you back to your homeland. This is not fair because it's not there fault that they have sickness.
    2)The purpose of the process was to only let the smart and healthy people come in to USA
    3)I can compare this to Donald Trump because he's trying to build a wall so that immigrants can't come it to USA.
    _Dilnoza Botirova 822

  53. I think this is fair because The immigrants brought clothing,and food.the immigrants will teach new culture,and languages.America will be great with immigrants.
    Jesus Angel

  54. 1) My opinion of the immigrant testing process is unfair because the immigrant don't know the language and don't know how to read and writes.
    2( the purpose of process was limit the population of immigrant who came to america.the american don't wanted immigrant to take away there jobs.american don't want america to get weak.
    3( i can compare this modern idea about immigrant to Donald trump.Donald trump wanted to build a wall to keep immigrant away from america. Amy chen 822

    1. Yisen Zeng 822-I disagree of your opinion because America give them a test just because they can survive in America.If you don't know English.The how u gonna get a job and live there.

  55. i think this is fair because the immigrants will teach new languages, new culture, and etc. they bring food, clothing, and etc. the immigrants will make america a better future. Jimmy Wu 822

    1. i compare this modern idea about immigrant to Donald Trump. he doesn't want immigrant to come to america.

  56. 1. It was fair to let immigrants from other people came to our country.They came here to have a new life but they don't know our language. It will be hard for them, that they cant communicate and its hard for them to get a job. Learning our language will be a great use here for everything. If they want to live here they first must know the language.

    2. The purpose of this is that America is helping the immigrants to live better by helping them and give a test, so if they pass they can just come in and have a new life and help them learn our language and they can live here better.

    3. I think Donald Trump is wrong cause building a great wall is not helping and people cant come in we came in.Why we don't let other people to came in? They just want a new life its not hard , just give them a chance.

    Kevin Chen 822

  57. 1) I think its unfair for people to take a test when they barley have any education. For example, if they don't know how to read or speak a different language then they will obviously fail or at least have trouble. Its also unfair because if they fail they have to go all the way back from were they came from.

  58. Johnny Fernandez 822 , 1)I think that this was a bad testing process because it was unfair. For example they had send millions of immigrants back to where they came from. All just because they didn't pass the test.In addition it was due to people being sick or had mental problems. 2)They gave test because they didn't want that many people coming into the united states. 3)This can connect to Donald Trump. The walls of US was the papers or tests back then. Now Donald Trump wants t make a wall around the USA like the great wall id china.

  59. 1) I think its unfair for people to take a test when they barley have any education. For example, if they don't know how to read or speak a different language then they will obviously fail or at least have trouble. Its also unfair because if they fail they have to go all the way back from were they came from.

  60. The testing process can be compared to every person in america. For example, even though the testing process wasn't fair to many people it made America become a better place. many people compare the testing process to Donald trump. However, even though he is very unfair, Donald is trying to make America a better place. Every person has his or hers perspective on how to make America a better place. Same thing with testing and Donald Trump. I am not comparing the testing process and Donald Trump. I am comparing the testing process and and every person in America. Kateryna 822

  61. 1. My opinion of the immigrant testing process was it was unfair because the immigrants have to pass the tests. Maybe the immigrants come from another places and they don't even know English and they all speak different languages. They can't even take the test if they don't know how to read or write English.

    2. The purpose of this process is to limited the amount of the immigrants entering the United States. They don't want a criminal or sick people to come to United State and if a person is sick it might affect others.

    3. The modern ideas about immigrants that i can compare to is Donald Trump's idea. Donald Trump's idea was to build a wall to stop the immigrants to come to United State. It is similar to the immigrant testing processes because the reason of giving tests to immigrants was to limited the amount of them coming to United States.

    Jennegca Chen 822

    1. Yisen Zeng 822- Then how they gonna survive in America if they dont know English.They can't get job .

  62. 1.My opinion on the testing process is it's fair.This is because the immigrants might bring diseases that are unknown to Americans and to stop this they take a test and immigrants should know the language.

    2.This process was to stop people having diseases and people who can help the society grow.

    3.Donald Trump.This is because he wants to build a wall so immigrants can't pass and he want others to pay for it.

    Rafael 822

  63. 1.The immigrant testing progress is unfair,because they need to pass several test.For example if they find out they have illness,they are going to be sent back,but what if they come to United states for medication.In addition,they need to pass the literacy test, but what if they does not speak English, they can't pass the test.If the criminal did not violate serious laws,then they were allow to enter the country,because some country might have absurd laws.
    2.The purpose of the process is the limit the country's population.They also does not want to bring trouble to their country,because they don't want to bring disease that is deadly and easy to spread.
    3.The immigrants testing process could be compare to Donald Trumps's idea about immigrants.The testing process limited the amount of immigrants coming to the country.Donald Trumps wanted to build a wall that would not allow illegal immigrants enter.
    Tingyue dong 822

  64. Megan 822

    1.My opinion of the immigrant testing progress is unfair because the people who leave their homeland and travel to America to have a better life, but the America people don't want the immigrant to come and want to used give them test. The test was hard to pasted because they had different language ,so it's hard to communicate with them. That why it's unfair and they had travel for a long period and need to send them back to their homeland again.
    2.The propose of the progress was that the America people had create this test because the America people don want the immigrant people to come here because it's a large group of people and if they come to America people won't have enough jobs, houses, food and other things.
    3.The modern idea about immigrant that I can compare to was Donald Trump. He want to built a wall so the immigrant can come to America.

  65. 1) From my opinion i think that the immigrants testing process was unfair beacuase some of the immigrants didnt know how to speak the American language, and some didnt even get educated. Some people wanted to come to The New World , but if they fail the test or have any medical issues and diseases, then they have go to their homeland.Another reason it is not fair is that when they check if people are criminals, they just send them to their homeland, that just makes it worst because they are sending criminals to their homeland and not arresting them . These rules are not fair for the immigrants .

    2)The process of this was to let healthy and educated people in the US because they thought that if they let some not smart,sick with diseses people, and criminals in the USA then those immigrant might bring so much problem to America. Problems that are way to complicated. They were willing the smart intelligent immigrants that were willing to work hard.

    3)I can compare these testing processes to Donald Trump because since he is building a wall to keep out some people out of the US, he is NOT being fair like the testing processes. When he builds the wall , he is going to let the Mexican pay for it. He doesnt want so many immigrants coming to the USA , same goes to the imigrants testing process.

    Shakhzoda Nimatulloyeva 822

  66. i think that it is not fair because the people who failed may be nervous or they didnt know the the language.Also if the people are sick. they can just have a treatment and be good to be in the state and not be moved to their home state.

    1. You need to explain more about why it is not fair. I am not sure I follow what you're

  67. 1.I Think the testing process is unfair,because the immigrants cant understand the language the test was giving. 2.The purpose of the process is that to check if the immigrants is a criminal and if they are sick. 3. i can compare the process to Donald Trump,because since he is building a wall to let the immigrants into the United State.-Cao Jie Wu 802

    1. Is that the only purpose or may there be another motive behind it???

    2. i disagree with you since Donald Trump wants to build a wall but he doesn't want to let the immigrants into the United States he wants to stop them from coming into America
      Juan Lopez 802

    3. I agree with you because the test is unfair immigrant might not understand the questions cause of the difference between language.
      Wei Chen 802

  68. 1 In my opinion of the immigrant testing progress is unfair because the people who had left their homeland and travel to america is to have a better life, but what they didn't expect is to take a test to enter america. Its so unfair because people who were sick had to go back to their homeland instead of helping them, immigrants waste all their money just to come to america and start a new life.
    2. The propose of the process was to see if the immigrants had a criminal record where they came from also they had to see if the immigrants were sick and if they were they would be sent home.
    3. The modern idea about immigrants that i could compare to is Donald Trump. He wants to build a wall so immigrants wont be able to come to america and and he wants others to pay for it.
    Juan Lopez 802

    1. i agree with you because the immigrants try their hardest to travel to america to have a better life but when they come and they have to take the test they will be force to go back which will make the immigrant sad.
      -chen xi shi

    2. I agree which your answer for number one because immigrants wasted all their money to come to the United States and if the failed the test they were sent back. Jamal Razzaq 802

    3. I agree with u because immigrants tried to come to america to live for a better life but bacause of there illness they were deported.

      md 802

    4. I will like to add of to you Jamal because if they had fail the test they would get sent back to there homeland but they had lost everything trying to get to america. So what's the point of returning home when you lost everything
      Juan Lopez 802

  69. 1. My opinion on if the immigrants process was unfair because they want to earn money, get a job, a house, and a better future for themselves. The people would see if they are well and pass a few tests.

    2. The process of checking the new immigrants was to make sure they pass individual tests before being allowed to enter the U.S. If people were sick or judge them as a criminal they were not allowed to enter America and return back to their homeland.
    3. I can compare this modern idea to DONALD TRUMP, because he wants to get rid of all illegal immigrants.
    Christopher Mills 802

    1. You need to explain why it wasn't fair

    2. Chris you gotta explain question 1 cause u saying that they are taking tests for jobs,homes, and a better future but i disagree and it doesnt explain why/how the tests are fair or unfair

      Naz 802

  70. 1) In my opinion i think great immigrant test is unfair because immigrant may not understand the questions.
    2)The processes limit the people coming to America,only the healthy,smart,and the one that didn't do any bad things can be coming to America and pass the test.
    3)I can compare the modern idea to Donald Trump because they both want to protect America from illegal immigrant.
    For example Donald Trump wants to build a wall so people can't come from Mexico to America.
    By: Wei Chen 802

    1. I agree with your idea that immigrants may not understand the test and it`s true, but try to include more detail. -Eric wu

    2. While I do agree with you about the tests being unfair, were there other exams given as well?

  71. 1. My opinion on if the immigrants process was unfair because they want to earn money, get a job, a house, and a better future for themselves. The people would see if they are well and pass a few tests.

    2. The process of checking the new immigrants was to make sure they pass individual tests before being allowed to enter the U.S. If people were sick or judge them as a criminal they were not allowed to enter America and return back to their homeland.
    3. I can compare this modern idea to DONALD TRUMP, because he wants to get rid of all illegal immigrants, and build a wall and expect others to pay for it.
    Christopher Mills 802

    1. why is everyone comparing it to donald trump.i disagree wit you because it can better compared to the TSA, they only create the illusion of security, terrorists have found more creative ways such as how immigrants have been able to bypass the testing by using creative methods to enter america.Alvin gaine 802

  72. I think that it's unfair because many people spent all their savings to travel here but get sent back.just because of a little sickness or they can't read or write.

  73. 1.I think the the immigration process was unfair because the children from criminals were sent back to their homeland.This does not mean that the child is a criminal,he/she wants a new life.Also the literacy test was unfair because the immigrants just came from a foreign country and do not speak or write and English.

    2.The purpose of the immigration process was that to limit the amount of immigrants coming to America.They wanted to check which immigrant was sick or a criminal and see if they were fit to come to the U.S..

    3.I can compare the immigration process to Donald Trump because he is trying to build a wall to make immigrants stay away from the U.S..Also he is trying to kick out most immigrants from the United States. Jamal Razzaq 802

    1. let me ask you something if donald trump wants to kick out all immigrants then shouldn't he kick himself out and all the lack and white americans also with the ihispanics,irish etc because all americans originate from european immigrants and black people originate from black immigrants.this means only the native americans should be allowed to stay in america.Alvin Gaine 802

  74. everythng good has a catch, to compare it to the tests at ellis island I would say it is a perfect match,immigrants weren't just let to walk through the gateway.the processes in my opinion are unfair to the immigrants who reshaped the new world,but still the americans didn't want immigrants to stain there so called gold paved roads.It is unfair to immigrants
    because it limits the numbers of immigrants coming to america by finding small faults on the processes and if the immigrants has come for aid or change their ways as a criminal they should considerd by the court or doctors in america.The purpose of the process was to not let immigrants come in and harm america or its citizens,they dont want people who will ruin he reputation of the new world so they use rigorous testing to see if the immigrants can live up to american standerds.I would compare to the tsa who just invades your privacy and only creates the illusion of security because terrorists
    find other ways to invade america such as how immigrants
    find other ways to come to america by not going through ellis island.Alvin Gaine 802

    1. so very well put. I agree with many of the things you say. I like that you mentioned that even though we have a system in place, people still find a way in. frighteningly true.

  75. 1.I feel that the testing process was unfair cause it made people who spent their life time savings to get to America but then they get sent back and have nothing left to work with in their home countries this also causes things like poverty for the large masses of people who come (try) America and so it causes more problems in the other countries.

    2.The process was to make sure that America does not get corrupted and or get ruined from foreign diseases and criminals and also to test people'sense of enlgish and their language.

    3.Some things u can compare to is Donald Trump Cause he is trying to stop immigration of Mexicans and Muslims/Islamic People.(Ima go to Canada If he Become president)


    1. does this system actually prevent people from finding their own ways in to the country other the legally acceptable way?

  76. 1. In my opinion the immigrant process was unfair because they made immigrants waist all there money to come to Amercia for no reason and to get back send home was unfair to them. Also immigrants lost everything back home just to come to America for a better life.
    2.The purpose of the process was to make sure the immigrants that were eneterig America didnt have a bad history or a bad illness that can affect people along the way.
    3.The modern idea about immigrants i would compare to is Donald Trump because hes being unfair to immigrants the same way people back then were.
    Jakellyn Garcia 802

    1. Why would they have been sent back to their home country? Is there another reason that people would be given these tests to take? How is trump planning to be unfair to immigrants?

  77. 1. I believe it was not fair because they had test that were not fair to everyone since some people may not no english but other did. It is not fair for people who have a disease because they propbably will be deported, this possibly means u are not with you'r family.

    2. The purpose is to keep america safe from harmful people.

    3. 1 thigh u can compare is with Donald Trump because he wants america to be safe from mexicans since he believe they are harmful just as they thought in ellis island when a person with a contagious disease is deported. Donald want them deported bacause they are bad for society as he says it.

    Md Ratul 802

    1. Why would that be unfair Md? Are there possibly other reasons that these tests would be used

    2. 1.i agree it was not fair because some immigrants just moved to america how would they know english i get it if they move to america they should know english but it is still unfair
      2.i agree after the revoltion war it impoartant to stay safe in case of anybody who want to take advanage of america since after the war america get pretty weak
      3.i agree to because donald trump want to keep america safe expect i believe he doing it to creul like a supervillian
      by hasantasnemul

    3. 1.i agree it was not fair because some immigrants just moved to america how would they know english i get it if they move to america they should know english but it is still unfair
      2.i agree after the revoltion war it impoartant to stay safe in case of anybody who want to take advanage of america since after the war america get pretty weak
      3.i agree to because donald trump want to keep america safe expect i believe he doing it to creul like a supervillian
      by hasantasnemul

  78. AnonymousOctober 19, 2016 at 6:22 AM
    I think that it's unfair because many people spent all their savings to travel here but get sent back.just because of a little sickness or they can't read or write.


  79. I think it was unfair for immigrants to take these difficult test because they come from a different culture and they came without knowing the language. It was also unfair because they would check there background if they have a criminal record.They would send thousand of immigrants back home just for failing a test.They gave these test because they didn't want as many immigrants coming into america they didn't want illness to affect people. This can connect to Donald trump because he wants to build a wall and keep immigrants out of the u.s but america is full of thousands of immigrants ~Reyna 802

    1. Is it really unfair that the United States did not want people with a criminal record to enter? Shouldn't you want your country and it's people to be safe?

  80. 1.In my opinion immigrants testing process is unfair because some of then didn't even know how to speak,read american language,So if they have test they should have it in their own language 2.The purpose doing this process is to limited the amount of immigrant going to american 3.I can compare this testing processes to Donald Trump because he try to build the wall and then the immigrant can't come in to american.This is very similar to the test, this test can make less people coming to american Kelly Xiao 802

    1. i agree with u that they did not know English so the so it is not fair to the immigrant.Si Ting Chen 821

  81. 1. I think the testing process for immigrants are unfair. the test is very hard for those immigrants and if they don`t pass the test, they have to go back to their home land. They spend lot of money and time on this and because of the test they went back to their homeland.It`s very unfair.

    2. The purpose of the test process is to have a better understand with those immigrants and to know if they have disease or not. Also the process is try to testing if they had any crime or not. -Eric wu 802

    1. I disagree with you because test might not be hard but just in different language
      Wei Chen 802

    2. So Wei, what you are saying is to solve the problem all we need to do is to translate the tests into other languages? Wouldn't that cause another issue that would have to find another way to solve? How do we pay for all of this translation?

  82. 1. In my opinion I think that the immigrant testing is unfair because many of the immigrants didn't get to know English that time
    2. the purpose of the process of the test is to see if people were sick, if they are the immigrants are going to get t=sent back to their home lands
    3. I compare to Donald Trump because he is trying to block people from mexico from coming into America


  83. 1)My opinion on the immigrant testing process was that it was unfair because the immigrants can come here live to come here and have a better life.They would give the immigrants tests but some of the them didn't get an education in they homeland. If you failed the tests they would send you back to your homeland when you left everything you do to come to America.
    2)The purpose of the process was to keep America in good conditions like only let smart and healthy people come to America because if they let immigrants with diseases might infect all the other people. The immigrants with the criminal records they might do bad things in America.
    3) I can compare this to Donald trump because he wants to send all the immigrants back to their homeland.He wants to make the wall bigger so that immigrants cant come to America anymore and make Mexico pay for it. He wants to send them all back because he thinks they are criminals.-Ashly Carpinteyro 802

  84. 1.In my opinion, I think the immigrant testing process is fair because they had to check all the things about the person before allowed them to enter America. 2.The purpose of the process was to make sure the person is not sick or have disease.3.I can compare to today how people travel from one country to another country and when they packet their things they had to make sure they did not bring the things that cannot bring it. JialinWu 802

  85. i believe the testing process wasn't really fair because Americans were trying to find a little reason to send immigrants back. The reason being was because they didn't want to share power they wanted to be the ones in charge of everything. The reason why it wasn't fair was because they didn't even try t help immigrants not have a reason to go back. For example if a immigrant was sick with illness they should of gave the medicine, support them.

    2. The main reason for the process of these tests was to known what kind of immigrants were entering their country. For example if an immigrant was a criminal in their country they wouldn't let him in because he might cause problems.Another example would be if they had an illness they wouldn't let them enter because they might pass it to another person,expand. The second reason for these test was for the people who gave these test would have a reason for a immigrant to back. Practically what i'm saying is that they would find a little reason to send a immigrant back making it unfair.

    3.I can relate this situation to Donald Trump racism. Donald Trump has a problem with immigrants, he doesn't like to see immigrants roaming around the streets because he said that they really don't help.But what Trump doesn't realize is that America was built by immigrants.Trump doesn't want to accept that he believes that it was all America and it wasn't. The USA and immigrants worked together and built America together. Up to these days it still is happening but Trump doesn't accept that .

  86. 1.I think the test was unfair because immigrant that need to take the test can not understand.Some immigrant don't know English.

    2.The purpose of the process is that to keep the amount of immigrants that come in and to check if a immigrant had sickness or do any crime.

    3. The idea about modern immigrant i can compare to is Donald Trump idea.He want to stop immigrant come.

    zhi wei zhang

    1. i disagree with you number 3 because he didn't stop immigrant come but stopping illegal immigrants.
      Wei Chen 802

    2. I agree with you on question 2 that the purpose of the test is to check if a immigrant had sickness or any crime. -Eric wu



  87. 1) In my opinion the immigration process was really unfair. Because they gave hard test on purpose so there could be less amount of immigrants in the Unites States.

    2) The process of these test was to look more into the immigrants past and also their health situations. They wanted to make t=sure that the person they are letting in their country isn't a criminal or sick with diseases. Americans knew that they wanted smart and hard working people in their country.

    3) I can relate these testing situation to North Korean because the ruler there is crazy and is really unfair to the people that lives there.He doesn't let the people have their simple rights. He wont let the people have an access to the outside world or give them a choice of themselves.

    Somaia Sarker

  88. 1)I think the immigrants testing process was unfair because back then most people didn't go to school so they won't be able to speak English or write. Plus if you are sick you be sent back right a away , and they could get sick on their way to the gate.
    2) The process of the test is to limit the amount of people coming to America. If bunch of people went to America right away they're won't have enough jobs for the immigrants.
    3)I will compare the modern idea to Donald Trump because Donald Trump wants to build a wall to stop immigrants coming in to America. And this is similar to the testes.
    -Andy Li 802

    1. I disagree with your answer for number 2 because they just want to take out the criminal immigrants and keep the terrible diseased immigrants out of America
      KangHao Lin 821

  89. i wrote that one my bad,
    Marcos Saucedo

  90. the modern days and the immigrant days are now quite similar thanks to Donald trump.is's similar because trump is trying to built a wall to keep out Mexicans which is kind of like keeping out people who wants to come it america.


  91. I think the Immigrant testing process was unfair because they made it to difficult to pass.For example, if you had a small disease, they would send you back. Also you had to pass the English and medical test.They send you back to your home land if you didnt pass the test. People took up to 2 montths in ships just to come to america and got seend back.

    2) The process to testing americans is to make them pass sertain tests to enter. For example, you have to be checked for any illness. Also if they had any crime reported.

    3) I can compare this to Donald Trump because he wants to put strict laws and build a wall

    Richard Juarez 802

    1. i agree with you but i think if they are sick they should try to treat then and contain them and treat them when you come to america
      hasan tasnemul 821

  92. 1. from my perspective the testing process was unfair because the people who came from different countries didn't know English the test was in English so that's why most people failed the test because they didn't know how to read English the people making the test made that test hard on purpose so new people to the country wouldn't be allowed to come in.
    2. the purpose of the testing was to limit the people coming into " The New World "
    3. I can compare the modern ideas of immigration to Donald Trump because Donald Trump wants to send people back to their country who aren't here in the U.S legalized.
    Vianey 802

  93. 1) The testing process was unfair because some immigrants does't know how to read or write English. Immigrants use there saving to come America and if they fail they were send back to there homeland.The test was hard for many immigrants since they cant read or write English and this process limited the immigrants from coming to america.
    2)The purpose of the test was to keep out the immigrants that has disease or criminals from entering america. Its purpose was also limit the immigrants from coming.
    3)The modern idea of immigrants i can compare is Donald Trump because he keeps immigrants out and he is unfair.He wants to build a wall to keep the immigrants out

  94. 1. In my opinion i think the testing process was unfair because most of the immigrant came from other countries, not all of they understand english.Those people spend time to came to U.S however they fail the test ,as a result they are not allow to across the American, and must go back home, this is unfair, because people did not know the langiage, and the test is came suddenly thay even didn't hve time to perpare. Another reason why the testing process is unfair is , the test include: if the person got sick and thay are not allow to enter the US either. the immigrants came to US by boat so they might got sick, the people are not suppost to kick sick people out
    2. The purpose of the process is to control the population of the American. There are millions of immigrants came to US, and if there's no testing process, the jobs, shelthers, foods in US go decrease and not enought for that many people. It might cause war and fights.
    3. I think the testing progress is simier to the great wall of Donal Trump. The wall is for block the immigrants that want to came to American. Jinlingzheng 802

  95. i agree with you because it wasnt fair that immigrants had to take a literacy test when they dont know english. I think that they should learn how to speak and write in english and then take the test. jarif

    1. I am to think that you believe that all other parts of the process were fair and good for the new immigrants?

  96. i think immigrant are not treated farily. Because they do not understand english.

    1. I agree with you, however, isn't there more too it?

  97. i agree with you because it wasnt fair that immigrants had to take a literacy test when they dont know english. I think that they should learn how to speak and write in english and then take the test. jarif

    1. Jarif, wouldn't your method of teaching cause other problems that the United States either wasn't prepared to or didn't want to deal with.

    2. No because isnt america a country if freedom everyone should be able to live here however they want. They shouldnt be taking a test about a language they dont know how to speak or write in. They should learn it and take the test. They should have choice if they want to take the test or not. Jarif Sarder 821

  98. 1.i think the immigrant testing process was fair but i think they could of made it in there language or let the immigrant live in america a certain amount of years then give a test every couple of years
    2.the process is to see if they have a education to see if they can vote the health test is important to see if they have a diease or any harmful sickness if it can spread to america and the last test is important because to see if they are crazy or dont have mental problem or anything
    3.i can compare this modern ides to trump because he wants to do exactly what happened in the past
    hasantasnemul 821

    1. Hasan how is the process fair? you need to explain

    2. i think it fair because the process is to see if they are sick or have any diease so they can treat it the litteral test is fair to see if they have education i think they should of made them in there language tough the last test is imporatant to see if they have mental illnes ir they are crazy to see if they would harm people
      hasan tasnemul 821

  99. My opinion on the immigrant testing process is that it is over rated and that it should be more fair.It is not fair because they test them on English language knowing that they don't know the language.I would make it a fair by translating it in their language.They also make it unfair by sending sick people home with out helping them.

    2] The purpose of the process is to see if some immigrants should be able to become apart of America and granted access to come in america for a knew life.

    The testing process can be compared to drafting in sports because when you draft you have to be the best and have to have a good record all through your life.Also you have to be skilled and bring professionalism to the sport.

  100. 1.I think the immigrant testing process is unfair because only one out of five people get passed it. The immigrant does not learn english and don't know the language.
    2.The purpose of the process is to check if the people were sick or criminal. And if they can write and read so they can live in America.
    3. The modern idea about immigrant weren't as strict as it use to be. The immigrant can have medical treatment at his homeland and can learn english their too.
    -Alan Lin Class 821

    1. Wow only 1 in 5 passed that is a low number.. Can you back that up? Are there maybe any other reasons that the tests may be given?

    2. I want to know how do you know that only one out of five people pass the test? Jane Zheng 821

  101. 1:I think the immigrants that had to go through the testing process is unfair because if you were an immigrant and you had a sniffly nose and just because the tester assumed that you were sick. Also the tester might just send you back justfor the way you look and are.
    2:The purpose of the testing is to see if that immigrant is going to bring sickness or be a criminal and then make Ellis not a great place for immigrant to have a better life.
    3: Todays modern immigration is more simple now because there are security who look for immigrants who might cause a problem to America and its the job of the security in the airport to search people that there are not going to do any bad to America.
    Kernan Kong 821

    1. You base your judgement on the physical exam only? Are there any other exams given here? If so, what about their fariness?

  102. #1
    i think that the immigrant process is kinda unfair because some immigrants didnt know how to read or even speak English. so they wouldnt know how to read the test and understand it. so they wouldnt be able to pass the test.
    Lesly Valderrama 821

    1. I agree something has to be done about that issue. Why did they give these tests if they were so unfair?

    2. I agree with you because maybe people from different country didn't have education because they don't have a good life back in the country before so they come here to have a better life. they didn't have education so how cam they pass the test that the american give to them Jane Zheng 821

  103. 1) It's unfair because giving test to people that have vision problem just doesn't make sense. What is the problem with bad eye sight...However,for medical test,they can give treatment to the immigrant.

    2) The Purpose of the process is to make sure that nothing went wrong the the new world. No disease, or any negative stuff.

    3) My parent, are immigrant too,though for them to come here it take years to do "something" that give them permission to come. But, i do believe they will ask them question, for example "why do u want to come to America". Though, it will still be different from before...Consider sick people as criminals.

    -Christine Lu 821

    1. i agree with you that it not fair to give a test for vision because it doesnt really matter about vision i agree they should give treatment to the immigrant if they sick because sending them back to there homeland is creul they sent so much money effort time n the trip you should at least pay a little respect i have a uestion do you think the process was needed was it nesseary
      hasan tasnemul 821

  104. 1. My opinion on the immigrant testing process was that it was really unfair. Tests included literacy test,medical test and etc. Immigrants who had just arrived here after there long journey could get sick and then get send back to where they came from.That would be just unfair too cruel on them.Newly arrived immigrants dont understand the English language so why take a test in a language they dont understand or know anything about?
    2. The purpose of the testing process was to see if the immigrants past the requirements to go and have a life in the U.S. It showed if the individual could have a disease that could infect others or anything worse like they are a criminal.
    3. One modern idea that could be compared to immigration is Donald Trump saying that he is going to build a wall and being very racist to other races and isnt really fair to people who are like Africans,Germans and etc.In Ellis Island the test wasnt very fair for immigrants coming to America.

  105. The test is not fair becuase when they first come in to the new york horbor they dont known anything. i would have let them learn english untill a certain amont of time. then they can retake the test again. i think that is 0nly fair to them. i mean think about it. when you were first born you probaly dont know any english. it probaly take you at least 8 years. gavin zhang

  106. the purpose of checking immigrants was to make sure that each of them passed tests before they were allowed to go into America.
    Lesly Valderrama 821

  107. 1)i think that the immigrant testing process was unfair.for example,the literacy test was unfair because they only could take the test in english and since most of the people spoke foreign languages,they couldnt pass the test and they had to be sent back.In addition,the medicaltest was unfair because if someone was a little bit sick and they might cough or someting they would be sent back and i think that that was very unfair.adding on,the test for mental illness was unfair because that person might have been born with a certain kind of disability and that is not fair.however, the criminal record check was kind of fair because if someone was a huge gang leader who killed people and was in jail for bunch years, they will have to b e sent back because they might of don the same in america
    2)the purpose of this test was to only let people who are normal have no issues and no criminal records in order to make america a great place.
    3)the modern idea that i can compare this to is donald trump trying to become president because he wants to take all the immigrants and send them back to where they came from only because he thinks that a curtain kind of race is making all the terrorist acts happen.however, he dosnt make the people take any kind of tests in order to make sure they are not a terrorist but he just decides to kick all immigrants out such as Mexicans and build a wall between mexico and usa to keep all the mexicans out and i think that is very racist.in conclusionthis is what ia can compare the past to now.

    BY GIORGI 821

    1. i agree with you because they had sent them back for any illnesses they had found in them . Also, Donald Trump is planning to built a wall in between a Mexico and Usa . -vanessa 821

  108. 1) In my opinion i think the test taking process is unfair for most of the immigrants because the immigrants come from different countries so most of the doesn't understand English. The immigrants has to pass 3 different types of tests that are unfair to them. For example the literacy test, the immigrants doesn't know the languages that the literacy is on and they don't have the ability to do the same as others. Another test that is unfair is the medical test. The medical test is unfair to the immigrants because the immigrants has been on the boat for months, they may have some red eyes and they people who check them, sent they just back to where they come from. Also, the final test that the immigrants took is the mental illness. This test is unfair because some immigrants have different education than other.
    2) The purpose of the immigrants testing process is to limit the number of immigrants coming to America and also to keep the immigrants who has abilities to do something better than other immigrants. The result of keeping people who has abilities to do something is that it helped America to recruit people that can actually do something for a low wage. Also this process keeps out immigrants that have a criminal background or have a serious diseased.
    3) The modern ideas about immigration that could be compare it to is Donald Trump's idea. Donald Trump wants to build a wall around United states and Mexico that immigrants could not come in. The immigrants come from placing like, Mexicans, Muslims, Chinese, illegal people, terrorists, national people. This is like a country that have every type of people in it. Donald Trump doesn't want any immigrants to come in and it is just like how in the past that united states doesn't want anyone to come in here. Donald thinks that America is not great anymore and he wants to make America great again like it was in the past.
    Michael xiao 821

  109. 1) my opinion to the testing process is that it was unfair to the immigrant because for the reading test maybe some of the immigrant don't have education so they don't know how to read.for other test some immigrant can't pass because they don't have any idea of hat the test is about, they don't know the language that the Americans speak. some people have criminal before, american don't ant people like this to come in to america. what if one day the people have criminal background go out and started a criminal again that is not helping america to be better countries 2)the purpose of the test is that the american just want to have wealthy, healthy people to go in american so they can work and don't cause problem. they also want to control that population of american. 3)this is compare to the modern idea by the government is now also trying to limit the amount of people that is coming to america. just like Donald trump he wanted to built up a wall to not let the people to come in to american. jane zheng 821

    1. i agree with you that the reading test is really unfair to the immigrants because they don't understand English. So, the checkers should provide the tests in different languages they the immigrants should take.
      Michael xiao 821

  110. 1. My opinion on the process on imigration is that it is unfair because immigrants didn't understand how to speak english or write in english. So I feeel that immigrants should learn how to speak and write in english for a maxium of 3 years and then take the test. If they dont pass after that then they should go back their country. 2. the purpose of the process was to keep immigrants out of the country. They didint want them to stay. 3. the modern ideas you can compare it to is Donald trump trying to kick out the immigrants and not letting them come back or letting any of the immigrants come to America hes being racist to the immigrdants just like they did when immigrants first came. Jarif sarder 821

  111. 1)In my opinion, i think the testing process was unfair because many immigrant didn't know how to speck or write english.If they have to take it, they are going to fail for sure and get send back to homeland.That will make a lot of immigrant go back to their homeland because they don't know english. Mei Zhen Mei 821

  112. 1)I Think that it was unfair because it was hard to pass because if you were sick and they found out then you will send you back to where you came

    2)also, they made you take a test and see if there was any illnesses in you . If so they will take you back for sure

    3) I can relate this to Donald Trump because he is planning to built a wall .

    -vanessa ;) 821

  113. 1.My opinion of the immigrant testing process is that it was not fair for the immigrants because some of the immigrants were not able to pass the test.then the family members get left back or is thrown back to the country the came from.then there are people that take the test when they dont pass the are left back or thrown away the same they expect a new life in Usa and they are thrown away just like that.
    2. the purpose of the process was to keep the americans safe so if they were to quarentine the sick then it would be to stop that certain sickness from spreading.then there is the mental test which is to keep or stop people with mental problems or murders from getting into usa.
    3.the modern ideas of immergation are still the same as ever since there are still test and there is now donald trump wants to make a wall to block out mexico and the united states.then there are other problems racism
    william deng 821

  114. 1)the testing process to me is extreamly unfair.i mean what if someone doesn't read English how do yo expect them to tale a test written in English. yeah yo gotta know if they can read or write but does that really mean that they gotta be able to read English?they should get translators maybe, that might help.
    2)the purpose of this process is to make sure that all the immigrants were eligible, because if the came into america sick and its contagious they could make other people sick and it would spread.
    3)one modern idea that relates to immigrants is that Donald trump wants build a wall so that no more immigrants come in and another idea that is similar because a lot of other kinds of people that already live in america also don't want immigrants to come into america to live a good, happy life
    -adoora fisher 821

  115. 1. I think the tests were unfair because the medical test was the first unfair test. It is to see if you are sick and if you were sick you were sent back to their homeland. The second unfair test was to see if they can read or write since they are from a different county they obviously won't know how to read or write English

    2.The U.S.A wanted healthy and educated people in their country so they can make america look good. The criminal check test wanted to know if their was a criminal in your family. If somebody in your family diobeyed the law you were sent back because they could have an influence on people in the country.one modern idea that that relates to immagrants is donald trump like he wants to build a wall and send immagrants back to where they came from cause he is a rasist person in the world ~ Elizabeth torres

  116. 1)In my opinion the immigrant testing process was not fair because most of the immigrant don't know much English,so they will fail the test.they should let them stay on the island for may a week so they can rest and take other test instead of English because it takes people a long time to learn a new language.
    2)the purpose of this process was to keep American safe by sending the people who are sick back and they gave immigrant a mental test,so they can see if the immigrant can live in America on their own.
    3)The modern ideas about immigration that i can compare to is the wall that Donald Trump because the purpose of the wall is to block immigrants that want to come to America,so it is similar to the test.
    KangHao Lin 821

  117. i agree with you becuase he like destroying the whole consitution

  118. 1. My opinion on the testing process on Ellis Island was that it was very unfair. The tests like Medical test, Literacy test was not fair. Immigrant couldve gotten sick on the journey. Immigrants dont understand the English language so taking a test in English would be unfair.
    2.The purpose of this testing process was to see if the immigrants had the requirement to pass go and have a life without causing troubles in the U.S. Problems like you having disease that could infect others or suspected being a criminal could make you go back to where you came from.
    3.The modern ideas that can compare to immigration is Donald Trump's idea of building a wall so other races cant come into the U.S. like being unfair where immigrants went through an unfair testing process.
    Ryan Jiang 821.

  119. 1. The immigration test process is completely unfair because people from other country came here to have a better life but not take the immigration test.Also immigrants doesnt even know English so is how to write them. It might also contain history about the the country which the immigrants might not know about.
    2.The purpose of this process was to control the population of the country because there are millions of people coming to the U.S each year.sometimes there could over 5,000 immigrants coming to this country which is a lot.
    3. some modern ideas that similar to ellis island is president,Donald trump. He wants to build a great wall to prevent immigrants from coming into the country like those Mexicans.This is similar to the process of Ellis island because the test was to prevent large amount of immigrants to enter this country.

  120. 2)The purpose of this process is to see if the immigrant has any disease or is sick or maybe mental problem. Mei zhen Mei 821

  121. some modern ideas about immigration that i can compare it to is the wall that seperates Mexico and America. The goverment put that wall to make it more difficult for Mexican immigrants to come over to America. The tests they gave back then also made it difficult fro immigrants to come into America

    Lesly Valderrama 821

  122. this thing relay to donald trump becuase he is treating the people unfair. he is also being races to onther culture of people. that whu he is just races gavin zhang

  123. 1.I think the immigration tests are unfair.If you have a mental issue or your sick, they'll send you back.Also the tests are in different languages then the immigrants are use to.They will have to go back for failing a test they didn't prepare for.
    2.The purpose of the process was to make sure that everyone passed the test before entering America.If there is no test then that means people with diseases and criminals will get into America for free.
    3.One thing that compares to the test is the wall Donald Trump claimed to build.It was to stop immigrants for crossing over the U.S border.This stops the immigrants for illegally crossing the border.
    NAME: Adnan Pasha 821
