Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Industrial Age

The first Industrial Revolution in America began in the early 1800's. It changed the way products were made, from handwork to machines. It moved the workplace from cottages to factories. Later, it brought advances in transportation and communication. The Second Industrial Revolution built on these changes, introducing new technology and new sources of power.

How did industrialization and immigration change the face of American life?


  1. The industrialization and immigration changed the face of the American life by new machines were made to make life easier for people and made life faster without using handwork. Immigration also changed because it made America's population boom. This made America better.

    Kevin Rozanski 822

    1. how does this revolution affect the immigrant?
      yexilin 822

    2. Give some examples to prove that it made life easier. -Diloza

  2. Industrialization and immigrants changed the American life. To start off, because immigrants needed jobs, they worked at factories. Therefore, many things were being produced. In addition, there were many inventions. As a result, these devices made life a lot easier for Americans. For example, the first automobile changed the way Americans transport. Mohammad Ijaz 822

  3. By:Yi Sen Zeng 822
    Obviouly,industrialization and immigrantion change the face of American life. First of all,they made technology that turn American into a advance level.Moreover,they use the technology to make factories.From this factories,they can communicate.So, that they can help each other.Clearly,from the communication,the immigration turn America into a friendly and advance country.

    1. Explain why immigrant change the face of American life.

    2. why did they have such things what were there origin and also give examples.
      Nazmul 802

  4. industrialization and immigration change the face of American life by making there life more easier.To illustrate this point, industrial make there rest time longer. Moreover immigrant will start working when they get to America. so the Americans will have more workers.Now people are inventing more and more things to make our life better.
    by yexi lin 822

    1. i agree because if immigrants did not come to america then america will not have these advances.
      Jenny Chen 822

    2. try to explain more about what kind of inventions give examples

    3. for example sewing machine, airplane,etc.
      yexilin 822

  5. Industrialization and immigrants change the face of american life by making new technology and worked in factories and makes things easier in life. Transportation helped people travel. The factories help the people do things much faster and easier.

    Jimmy Wu 822

  6. The industrialization and immigration changed the way of american life because immigrants coming to america made it america pure and made the immigrant.By:Md.Rafiquzzaman

    1. What made america pure?

    2. what do you mean? expand on what made it pure.

    3. what did immigrants do?

    4. Can you explain this into more specific?

  7. The industrialization and migration change the face of American life by advancing things that makes life better. During the industrialization people made hand works to machines, cottages to factories, and then technology.
    American people did not make these changes but immigrants.
    If immigrants did not come to America then it is less likely that America have all these advances.
    Jenny Chen 822

    1. I agree, since without those immigrants there would not be enough people to work on those machines to make the agriculture more advanced.
      tingyue 822

  8. The industrialization and immigration changed the face of American life by using machines so that their life could be easy. Before when the machines were invented , people had to work hard and most of the stuff were handmade; now that the machines were invented it mad life better and more fast . Immigration also changed the face of the America by, they made the population bigger and more rising. The immigrant came to the US for a better and a wonderful life so these immigrant also helped some people with the machines. That's why they came to America.

    Shakhzoda Nimatulloyeva 822

  9. The industrialization and immigration changed the America's life. The people needed jobs to earn god money. So they worked at the factories and made technology work easier.

  10. Industrialization helped factories and all of America, it may have taken some job but it helped factories flourish. Immigration brought more people into America and made the community more diverse. However the lack of jobs and increase in population could cause problems
    -Darious Wong 822

    1. some jobs*, but overall I agree.

    2. Yeah, that could happen since machines take over the jobs from humans like today.

    3. Kevin Rozanski 822

    4. i kinda agree with anyone who said machines make lives easier but u gotta remember if there are machines there will be lack of need for human workers during the time but uunderstaned wat u mean even i said machines make lives easy but yeah.. machines make it so some people willl lose their jobs.
      Nazmul 802

  11. It caused America to use more money in their society so that they can fund they houses.It also caused people to get jobs and many people also lost their job in the process.So America had to use their money and the industrialization caused them to hire more workers but also they got more products.
    -Anthony Zhou 822

  12. The industrialization and immigration change the face of American life by the improvement of the technology,and by the new things brought by the immigrants.The new things that brought by the immigrants will allow the United states to invent new things.The immigrants brought many ideas from their country of the idea about industrialization.The industrialization is to use the technology to make the agriculture more advanced.Instead of using men for the agriculture,they will be replaced by the machines,and the men will be able to work on other thing.Those things will allow America to make life easier,and be to be work on other task
    Tingyue 822

    1. i agree with you that immigration can help America by bring new things from their country and they csn have new technology.

  13. Megan822
    The industrialization and immigration change the face of American life by making their culture more stronger and make their life more easier. People from other country come American and they had bring new technology and sources of powers that they didn't have. These new things will help American create new inventions and they can learn things from other country and become more knowledge about the world.

  14. The Industrial Revolution had a major impact on American culture. America changed from an agricultural economy to an industrial economy. Mass production of goods changed every aspect of American life. Items that were once hard to come by were now easy to find. It also created may jobs for many people.The industrial revolution made the manufacture of labor-saving machinery for the farmer much cheaper so that more farmers could afford such machines. Now the farmers could do more work with fewer hired hands.
    -It's Dilnoza Botirova 822 :)

  15. The Industrialization & Immigration changed the face of the American life by allowing machines to make work easier for those who struggled with working by hand. Immigration helped by increasing America's population, but it also had a few disadvantages, such as overcrowding, and people thought that the immigrants were going to take their jobs,etc.

    - Diamon Roebuck 822


  16. Industrialization and immigration change the face of america life because it shows how lazy people can be.Also machines for example,printers.Back then letters were used to send messages to other people.But now,people are lazy and don't feel like doing any writing just like how i feel.If this computer and other machines weren't here,i would of been writing this message and answering this question...on PAPER and writing with a PEN

  17. How did industrialization and immigration change the face of American life?
    The industrialization and immigration change the face of American life by making their life easier.The machine help the people carry heavy things.The immigrant don't need to be hard working.
    Amy chen 822

  18. the immigration and industrialization changed the face of American life by making machines.Machines were made to make life easier for people because people use to do handwork but when machines came, it make easier and faster for people to work.


  19. The Industrial Revolution changed Americas life because now we do things differently. For example,now because of the Industrial Revolution, there are so many inventions that have been created by this like, factories, cars devices etc. This made our life so much easier since now we don't have to waste time doing things by hand. However, as great as it sounds, this also made America quite lazy as some people think things will be done for them. This is also horrible for animals as they could die of all the pollution. For example, animals like frogs and birds are very sensitive with the air that is created by it.
    By- Kubaro Abduvorisova
    Class- 822

  20. By:Johnny Fernandez
    Undoubtedly,the industrialization and immigration changed american life.Technology was the first thing that changed america.It took a step higher to america's daily life. They made factories and made lots of money.In addition, transportation was a lot easier than before which trade was easy.

    1. how was the trade easier? how did technology change America? ~Reyna 802

    2. Yea I agree with Reyna how did trade become easier?
      -Faizan 821

  21. The industrialization and immigration change the face of American life by making their life easier. For example, they had changed to machines to help them work instead of using handwork. The factories help them do the things more faster and easier. Also transportation help them travel from place to place faster and easier. Moreover, it also had changed the immigrants life because there are factories that do the works more faster and more easier for them so they don't need to do all the works by using hand. As can be seen, transportation, machines and factories had made the industrialization and immigration life more easier.
    Jennegca Chen 822

  22. industrialization and immigrants changed what america is today.Many people worked and those were immigrants they had jobs and there jobs were not really easy they worked hard for examples farming,working in factories.Immigrants worked and got paid little money this made them work more, them changing America more jobs made more money to the economic system.Industrialization changed America too this making new technology making life easier for people that lived in america making money.;) Miguel capulin *822

  23. it changed by making their life easier because there are more new inventions that can ave a great benifit on the peoples

    1. how did it make there life easier

  24. Industrial revolution and immigrants had change the america.They made america more popular, the work are placed by machine, so the work become more easier, but there are also thing that only people can do, so it really don`t infect the people that live in U.S.
    -Eric wu

    1. How did the Immigrants made America popular?
      -Andyli 802

  25. The industrial revolution changed america and immigrants way of life because technology was kicked in and it made several things easier. Before all the changes were made in america people made things by hand which was a lot harder. Now they use machines to make the work less easier.everything was advanced now even transportation ~Reyna 802

    1. what do you mean by making things easier? As in matter of fact it made it more harder for immigrants instead of being easy.
      Jakellyn 802

    2. first of all, it made things easier because they had machines and they didnt make things by hand like they did before the industrial revolution. They had an advantage with the machines being created

    3. First of all, you forgot a period. But it didnt really make things easier because at the start they didnt know to use technology they had to learn which made things more harder for them.

    4. I agree with Jakellyn because when the immigrants got to America they were struggling with getting a job and it wasn't easy for them.
      -Faizan 821

  26. The industrialization and immigration change the face of America's life by making their life easier. They made their life easier by changing how they work from handwork to machines.Machines help them to do things more faster and less work. -AndyLi

    1. I agree on your opinion about the industrialization, these machines truly make the life easily. -Eric wu 802

    2. How they use the machine?
      Wei Chen 802

  27. The industrial revolution changed america because the technologies that were created, it made life more easier because the machines that were created helped immigrants and non immigrants with there work, it made it more easier for them to do many other things.
    Jakellyn 802

    1. what do you mean by non immigrants? what other things are you talking about when you say it made it more easier for them t do many other things?

    2. to*. But Non immigrants like you. In other words im trying to say people that were born in america.
      Jakellyn 802

    3. next time you should be more clearer but otherwise i agree with you ~reyna 802

    4. I don't understand what is many 'other' things - jinlingzheng

  28. industrialization and immigration change the face of American life by making there life more easier and better.At the beginning they made technology and brought America into advance level.Technology develop factories, it help people to communicate.
    WEICHEN 802

    1. i agree with you because in the past there is no inventions and people have diffucult in doing things but now people can do things easier with the techonlgy created.
      -shi,chen xi

    2. How did factories help people to communicate?
      -AndyLi 802

  29. Industrial revolution and immigrants had change the America. It made America advance also made daily life easier for the people live there. This made America such a better place.
    -Zhi Wei Zhang

    1. What do you mean by America advance made their daily life easier?-AndyLi

    2. How they make their daily life easier?
      Wei Chen 802

    3. How did immigrants change America

    4. they help people communicate by join together so they can see each other and communicate.

  30. The Industrialization changed many things such as faster work and easier creation for high demand things such as cotton or other things such as cloths, electricity, trains(further up in time) and also things such as steam boats or even any other transportation that made immigration or transporting things much easier. But on the case of how it changed american life it added many of the appliances people have today to exist or for america to be this highly populated.
    Nazmul 802

  31. The industrialization and immigration changed the life of the people easier.For example instead of handmade clothing it will be made from factories.Which takes less time and triple the amount made by hand.

    1. i agree with you because without machines it would take time. With machines it makes it easier and faster -Vicky Wang 802

  32. 1.the industrial made work easier for worker it a new way of technology for many people and a more advanced way to do things


    xing huang qiu 802

    1. What new technology did thy use to be more advanced?

    2. How did the industrial made work easier for workers?-AndyLi 802

    3. I agree. For example the cotton Gin removed cooton seeds from cotton instead of using bare hands.

  33. 1.I think that it made the americans better and made thier life better by inventing new inventions to help them. -CaoJieWu 802

    1. How did the inventions help them?
      Kelly Xiao 802

    2. what are the new inventions that you are talking about

    3. Give some example of machine -LindaLi

  34. The industrialization and immigrants changed the American life by develop the machines and technology, more machines than handwork made life easier and faster. In that period of time people started invented tools and machines that can make all Americans' life Convenience, such as having the factories for making airplane, is make people travel farther and faster. Also people could have more chance if there is more factories for making machines. jinlngzheng 802

    1. Give some more example about machines -LindaLi

  35. Industrialization and immigration change the face of america life by making their life easier. Using machine can make them save more time then doing handwork, transportation make them travel faster. The immigration make the population higher.
    Kelly Xiao 802

    1. what type of machine they invent?
      LindaLi 802

    2. Sewing machine is a type of machine they can save time then doing handwork
      Kelly Xiao 802

  36. Industrialization and immigration changed the face of America in many ways. One way was that it made the job quicker and also did the job of workers quicker and better. This was a bad thing for workers because the machines basically took their jobs. Immigrants also changed the face of America because immigrants needed money because they wasted most of it on the trip to the U.S. so they "took" the jobs of workers. For example, they did not get paid a lot which made the owners of factories gain more money.

  37. The Industrial revolution and immigration changed the face of American life because it made so many things easier.For example it made transportation easier with trains, made America grow more as a country because they could do things faster with machines (technology) like transporting supplies like metal or steel to build big buildings. by: Marcos 802

  38. The industrialization and immigration change the face of American life by making people life easier. To do this, they changed the ways products were made from handmade to machines. For example:people usually wash cloths with hand but now they use washing machines. People moved the workplace from cottages to factories. So people could work in factories. The industrialization also improve advances in transportation and how people communicate. This means that people don't need to write letter and wait a long time to have the person you communicate to response.
    Linda Li 802

  39. Industrialization and immigrants changed American society because in growing cities people found entertainment and enriched cultural life. Also it made life so much easier because of all the new inventions. Which made America a better place for everyone.
    Somaia Sarker

    1. I disagree and agree with you because yes immigrants introduced new cultures to America, but they also "stole" the jobs of citizens. Factory owners gained money because immigrants were not getting paid the same amount as citizens- Jamal 802

    2. I strongly agree with you, however you did not explain how the new inventions made life much easier or how it made America a better place for everyone. -802 Nathaly Salas

    3. You are right because there were new invention that made life easier for others. Md 802

  40. Industrialization and immigrants change the face of american life by making there life easier. Machines made jobs easier and faster.With more technology ,the people work less now and made America a better place.
    -Vicky Wang 802

    1. What are the things that uses the new machines to make things easier and faster?

  41. The industrialization and immigration change the face of American life by it make people more easier and faster without using handwork. Before invented many machines people had to do the work by hand and they work for long hour.Now the machines were made it made people more easier and quicker.The immigration changed by it make the America population bigger and better.

  42. 1) Industrialization and immigration changed the face of Americas life was that they stared to make machines to make work easier. They also invented better things and change the way how other machines were made. The machines allowed the people working in fields to get more work done.Immigrants changed the face of america because they they were looking for a better life and since they didn't speak English and were not skilled they had to work in factories so the machines made it more easier.-Ashly 802

  43. Industrialization and immigration changed the face of American life in many ways. One of the many ways was by making the jobs in factories much easier. This was a pro and a con because it made the job go quicker but it also did most of the work, meaning that they wont need as much workers anymore. The immigrants also had its own pros and cons. One of the pros is that they made transportation much easier, because they made steamships, clothing, etc. Immigrants made a huge impact on American lifes. A con that the immigrants had was that they took many jobs, so that had its consequences of there being less jobs.
    -802 Nathaly Salas

  44. industrialization and immigrants changed the face of america many who were working came to the united states not legalized and when they came they got a job but they weren't paid the right amount of money they were working for, for example in factories the people had to work with their hands and also because its a factory it would get hot and working over time getting paid for little money isn't fair. also another point that changed america's face is transportation, transportation changed and became much more easier. even though now factories help the job get done faster but for that cause the factories pollute the air and its not healthy for humans or animals

  45. Immigrants changed the face of America because they made America's population bigger and also were part of the growth of America. Immigrants were the cause of Americas growth by helping building things like bridges and buildings. Immigrants form a great part of America By:Marcos 802

  46. Industrialization and immigrants changed american lifestyle. Industrialzation made it easier for people to transport goods and made it easier to travel as well as make it easier for more work to be done in a more simpler way. Industrializaton made life more comfortable to live in for the rich. With industrilaization it gave immigrants more jobs because of the innovtaion. md ratul 802

  47. Industrialization and immigration changed the face of America. Industrialization made everything easier for people who worked in factories and made jobs quicker and better but they still get paid the same amount of money before they added machines. Immigration also changed America because they came to america for a better life and could work at factories.

  48. The industrialization and immigration changed the face of America by making their lives easier and making machines. This made their work more easier and also transportation. Also america took jobs to a new level. For example, if the workers/farmers had to do something by hand, it would be easier

    Richard Juarez 802

    1. i agree with richard from class 802 because they had brought jobs higher and they made life easier by inventing machines to get thins done -vanessa 821

  49. industrialization was one of the main reasons America is a major world power today.this period in Americas life showed Americas most genius minds and what they can make, it showed americas ingenuity and engineering, new machines were being made that were only in our imagination, As America grew the people grew, but industrialization would not be possible without immigrants because they were the people who gave their lives for the progress of America by working in the factories that produced these machines, many immigrants never saw their fifteenth birthday because of the unsanitary and dangerous factories they worked in to earn money to live in America during the industrialization period because with the new machines came price hikes never seen before, "To steal from the rich its a crime, to steal from the poor its capitalism", immigrants gave their life to change the face of America and the industrialization period made america what it is THE PERIOD COULDNT HAPPEN WITHOUT IMMIGRANTS. Alvin Gaine 802

  50. Industrialization change America because it made working labor more effective so the products were more well made then hand made by a person. Also then there was The Second Industrial Revolution which was when technology took place to make products instead of machines that were in factories.
    Kernan Kong 821

    1. I agree. The making of machines has made the productions of products more easier and more effective. And that is the impact of tecnology
      in the America and other Continents
      -Mario Sotomayor 821

  51. Immigration shouldn't be limited because when more immigrants come to America it shows that America is a safe country for people to got to and that its very diverse because many races ae inside of America from the north to the south and the east to the west. what i don't get is if there was limitation to America it would be what it was today because we have more electronics and that isn't just coming from the whites and the blacks.

    1. You didnt answer how did immigration and industrialization changed the face of Americans.
      Ryan Jiang 821

  52. Industrialization changed the life of Americans by making it easier for them. Inventions like sewing machines and such made life easy. Immigration made it harder on the Americans. Employers would lower the pay wages because immigrants were willing to work for lower wages. Americans didnt want to work for lower wages.However,immigration was also good. They worked for the factories cause they needed jobs. So then the factories could be more efficient. -Ryan Jiang 821

    1. I agree but why were machines working when the immigrants wanted money to live in America if the machines took the job to make stuff.
      Kernan Kong

    2. i agree with you that it make their life more better because they don't need to do the work them self. janezheng 821

  53. Industrialization change the american life by not letting the people do the work them self. It makes there life more easier. and after more people come to america then the work will be taken and after the machine take place then the immigrant will not have work. when they don't have work then they will not have money, if they don't have money then, they will not have a better life. if they don't have a better life then why do they need to come to america. but it also change the life of the upper level people by they don't need to do there work them self but the machine do the work.

    1. You also can say about now they work in factories
      and more transportation to help them travel also there is more machine to help them work
      By:Si Ting Chen 821

  54. i think that immigrant is a big part of the industral revolution. For we should thank the people for turning into what this country is right now. for someof them give up their life to make this country into what is now today. So we can live peacefully and be thankful. gavinzhang 821

    1. Why is immigrant important in the industral revolution? Please explain. What did they do for the country or the industral revolution?
      -Alan Lin Class 821

    2. well there are people from other country who invented new techongly like Esposito made invented pizza he a immigrant by Hasan Tasnemul 821

  55. Industries bring more technology and more invention. Immigrant bring more knowledge to create more invention. These invention help build train, computer, and weapon. It changed America for better transportation and life. It make building thing more easily and farm crop more
    and make thing.
    -Alan Lin Class 821

    1. i agree with you that it help make people life way easier like how instead of taking a boatfor a month you could travel to a anthor place less than a day i would also like to add that immigrants help have these new technogly without them it america would take longer to make these new industrialzation

    2. by hasan tasnemul 821 that by top comment

  56. the industrialization and immigration affected how america lived so much like now there are more people in america and is more popluated and americans can see different cultures and see how they work and different foods industrialization affected americacause it made americans life easier because it does the work for them rather them doing the work like a refrigerator keeping food cold instead of them making it cold themself
    by Hasan Tasnemul 821

  57. industrial inventions changed the face of american life. for example,inventions such as light bulbs or airplanes made huge impacts because if they were not crated we would still be using candles to see in the dark and everyone would be using boats which take months to travel with rather than a 6 hour flight.therefore without the inventions like cars,planes,light bulbs,or phonographs people would be stuck using the same old things for straight 5 centenaries.

    1. I agree with you because inventions help improved America and updated America.Inventions made it easier to do things that are hard to do. Jarif

  58. The industrialization and immigrant change the face of American life by having transportation to help us travel and communication where we meet different culture people.In addition people work in cottage place ,but now they work in factories which help people more.Also long ago people made from handwork now they have machine to make more good product and there is more technology.People now are doing better in there life by creating thing that help them everyday life
    BY:Si Ting Chen 821

    1. i want to add on is that then there will be less people who will get hurt while when they are working. janezheng821

  59. Industrialization changed american life because since inventions improved like, the light bulb and phones. America is consistantly growing and becoming more advance in technology and in society
    Adnan Pasha and im single 821

    1. i agree but where is the part about the immigrants you only wrote about one thing

    2. i agree with you because if not of the inventions people would still be living in a old modern society with no electricity or phones or anything that we normally use per day
      BY GIORGI 821

    3. Give examples about more advanced technology

  60. Industries brought more technology and more invention. Immigrant brought more knowledge to create more invention. These invention includes build train, computer, and weapon. It changed America for better transportation and life. It make building thing more efficiantly, not that much work and farm will have more place to grow crop more and sometime time soon make some more inventions
    -Ming lin 821

  61. industrial work and immigrations change the american life.since immigration takes peoples jobs then there are the machines that dont need workers because the can work them selves without needing a person.these end up as the problems to society where the people are jobless.the people new to the country or immigrants get scammed from their job because they are new and the americans are jobless
    william 821

  62. Immigration shouldn't be limited because America is a country in which you have freedom.You have more rights and have more religous freedom. In other countries there is not that much freedom or religous freedom. Thats why immigrants should be able to come here and shouldnt be banned from coming. Jarif Sarder 821

  63. Industrialization and immigration change the face of american life because immigrants helps the american create new technology, for example the new machines that change handwork to machine (simply just make this easier),and change cottage to factories. That, which is related to industrialization. People should be happy and thankful about the technology and immigrants that arrives long ago from now.

    821 Christine Lu

  64. Industrial and immigration change the face of American life because people dont need to use hand to make things. They only need machines to help them and it is more faster for them. It will make it easier for the
    them to work. Also, transportation is more faster. They can go to different places more faster ad easier. -Tiffany Jiang 821

    1. Why is the transportation faster that before
      -KangHaoLin 821

  65. Industrialization and immigration change the life in America because immigration increase the population of the country by a lot,so the industrialization help with the mass producing of cloth and other things that people need in everyday life.
    -KangHaoLin 821

    1. i agree with u that since there are new inventions, the people are making their life more easily and could work fast. by michael xiao

  66. 1 . industrialization changed american life styles for example they had built machines to get work done faster and they also came up with other inventions to get their stuff and work done . honestly america would not be america if it weren't for the immigrants, because they worked in factories and they mostly created everything just to get thing done . - vanessa 821

  67. The industrialization and immigrants change the life of American because the Americans started to invent new things that will help make their life more easier For example, the invention of the the camera by Edison-kinetographic, the Americans could easily take photo instead of them drawing the people or the landscapes. Another example of the inventions that the Americans invent is the Howe-sewing machine. With is invention, they people could rapidly produce cloths through out this new inventions. people are earning more money due to these inventions and on the other hand, some people who cant afford the newest inventions, are poor and not able to earn money. Therefore these are the reason that shows the incrustations and immigrants nearly change the life of american.

  68. The industrialization change the face of American life by before the inventions,the immigrant have to do their jobs by hands.They need to wash their clothes by hand.But after the inventions,they don't need to do their jobs with hands.By MeiZhenMei 821

  69. mmigration should not be limited because America is a country in which you should have freedom. In other countries there is not that much freedom. Thats why immigrants should be able to come here and should not be banned from coming to America.
    Faizan 821

  70. industrialization and immigration change the face of American life by making their lifes easy. the machines made trasportation more easy. and they still get payed the same amount but now their jobs are easyer and faster.

    lesly valderrama

  71. Sazedur Rahman
    The industrial revolution and the immigration changed the entire face of the U.S. The immigration used-to make clothing by hand but the in the revolution they could make it by machine.

  72. the industrial and immagrants changed america life bc cause america started to invent alot of new things that helps lifes more easier .- elizabeth

  73. The way industry changed America is it made easier to make things. Industry makes it easier to get jobs done. It made education easier and it helped build up the communication.Now transportation quicker and easier. The way immigrants changed America is they bought new cuture,food,inventions, and etc. They built America and made it better. Jarif Sarder 821

  74. I believe this was true. I also learned about the Industrial Revolution in 7th grade. Some people looked at it like it was slavery. Kids worked for hours in the factories, and dont get breaks while doing it.

  75. The industrialization and immigration change the face of American life because everything change from handmade to machines. Everything is easy with factory and it faster to produce more product. -Vanessa 813

    1. Write More Please >:P
      -Evan 813

  76. The industrialization and immigration changed the face of America because of many reasons. The industrial revolution allowed America to rapidly grow and change. In addition, the immigrates coming into America changes it. Different people from different places practice religious thing. That makes America a place where everyone can practice things from their country, as long as it is legal. The industrial revolution also changed how people work. From painful handwork to simple machines making products. It also brought better transportation and power. It affected us so much that today, many people are changing because of the industrial revolution and immigration.-Evan 813 ['C']

    1. i agree with you Evan because industrial revolution it was painful hardwork but the machines did make it simple.-David Munoz 813

  77. The industrialization and immigration changed the face of American life by the handwork to machines, it moved the workplace from cottages to factories, they also introduced new technology and new sources of power.
    Fanni Kleri 813

    1. U just copied the 3 sentences Mr. Jorgensen -.-
      -Evan 813

  78. how industrialization and immigration changed the face of American life by giving more jobs to immigrants.It was easier to make thing like the sewing machines which can help people fix cloths.The immigrants changed america by bring culture,food,and some new inventions. - David Munoz 813

  79. The industrialization and immigrants change the face of American life by new inventions like machines, factories, transportation, and communication. Also immigrants needed jobs and many things were produced. These inventions made life a lot easier for Americans and immigrants.Immigrants that came to the US made America's population grew. -Yadimar Cruz 813

  80. it helped us advance in transportation


  81. The indrustrialization and immigrants changed the face of America because this brang new technology and new inventions to America. The immigrants population started to grow since of the new technology and way of life.

  82. The industrialization and immigration changed the face of American life with many reasons. Machines made life easier so that the people don't have to overwork. Some machines that were made are the sewing machines, airplane and etc. Immigrants coming to America made it more diverse and they helped with making America more advanced.
    -Jiayi Chen 813 :3

  83. Industrialization and Immigration changed the face of American life because now it was easier to work and the work was done faster thanks to the new technology -nadia 813

  84. the industrial revolution and immigrants helped the face of america in many ways.for example during the industrial revolution many machines were created such as the cotton picking machine,which made picking the cotton easier and faster for the immigrants. trnsportation was also created at this time which made it easier for everybody

  85. Industrialization and immigration help changed the face of america in many ways because long ago the cotton was made by hand. It slowly turned to machine and made the work a lot more easier.
    Annie Chen 811

    1. I AGREE
      WENDYYANG 811

    2. i agree with you because back then it was harder to pick cottons by hands and the invention of the cotton gin change many peoples lives by making it more easier for them.-kathy fung811

  86. I think that industrialization changed the ways of the american life because it made work easier. Work that was usually done at home was not done at the factories with machines. This also could've taken the jobs of many people because instead of using their hands to produce items the machinery took over and made producing items easier. Immigration changed the face of america because it brought diversity. Immigrants brought many religions and cultures to brighten america.- Sabrina Basant 811

  87. This made America better because it advanced how produced things,made new ways to travel,to deliver things to others. This made America better and why its like this today

    Catherine Paris 811

      WENDYYANG 811

  88. the industrial revolution changed american life by not having to do things with hands. This makes things faster and easier. without the industrial people had to do things with hands which makes thing really and slow. For example in the industrial revolution the cotton gin was made. this machine makes thing more easier than it use to be. when the cotton gin isnt made it takes days to get the seed of cotton but now it might only take one or two days. Immigration also help america having to know other people from other countries and learn about other religions .
    WENDY YANG 811

    1. I agree with you because the industrial age improved The way jobs were done. It made it faster and easier.
      Xiao Ting Li

    2. i agree with you because this age had changed many people lives and made it easier for them to do jobs.-kathy fung 811


    3. i agree Ronald 811

  89. Industrialization and immigration help change america because they brought new tecnology and power to america.Ian Jaramillo


  90. The industrial revolution and immigrants change America in many ways. for example during this age many machines were created to help America such as the cotton gin which help picking the seeds from the cotton plant more easier for the immigrants. Back then more transportation were created to help bring in more immigrants to make America better and larger too. These transportation were plains and other stuff too.- kathyfung811

    1. I agree because it did do all those things also the details you gave were great

  91. The Industrial Revolution help change America because back then people had to do all their work by hand but slowly they made machines to help do their work for them but that made a lot of people lose their jobs.

    Ronald 811 lol

    1. lolololololoolollollolo

    2. i agree with you but could you explain more. But either way i agree that the inventions that they created to help people made there lives easier. Kathy fung 811

  92. The industrialization and immigration change the face of america life by helping the people to work easier and faster using machines instead of handwork. For example in the past, people are using hands to make cottons and it might take lots of times to make. But when there are machines, people not be using hands to makes things to waste time. People can do other things when there are machines to help them to do things.
    Wen Jian Lin 811

  93. Industrialization and immigration change the face of American life by changing handwork into machines and it moved the workplace from cottages to factories. Andy Chen 811

  94. The industrialization and immigration changed the face of american life by making machine to help working for the people. before immigrant has use hands to work but by the time in 1800s machine has being made they use machine to help them work. machine has work more faster than hand so it make life easier. forexample, in 19 century the machine that use to type word has being made so it make people easier by using the machine to type instead of hand writing, now typing machine has change in to computer that change the way people life.----mengqing 811

  95. Industrialization and immigration changed the face of America by changing handwork to working inventions, and cottages into factories. This made the immigrants' works more easier and faster efficiently. The immigrants can work with hands on machines to do their work. Nicole Mo 811

  96. The Industrial Revolution changed how people work in America. During the Industrial Revolution, new technologies are created. A factory is a place where machines produce products by large amount. Immigrants also played a role in the Industrial Revolution, they spread ideas which help advance technology.
    -Wei Zhuang 811

    1. i agree but i think could of put a bit more in

  97. The industrial and the immigration had help the american to have a better life. This is because that the they had use there hand to make the cotton. Now making it make it so much easier. This is because that now they had the machine to make it. So this made the american live better and have a easier life.

  98. Industrialization revolution helped changed america by making it easier to travel and work.This new technology help make the people get to work faster.Now people do not have to work for long hours and make things by hand there is machines.

  99. the industrialization and immigration changes America's face because America went from handwork to machine work. People started to learn about technology. It made peoples life easier because they didn't have to pick the cotton seeds because machines were there to help them. IT helped America because people cold get to where they needed to be faster.

    -Sabina 811

  100. The industrialization and immigration change AMERICA by making work easier and faster. For example before it was hard to pick cotton seed and after someone invented the cotton gin it was much easier.
    mujibur shaad 811
