Friday, November 13, 2015

Haymarket Square Strike

On May 3, 1886, police fired into a crowd of striking workers at McCormick Reaper Company in Chicago, killing four people. The strikers held a protest rally the next day at Haymarket Square. A bomb exploded during the rally and killed seven police officers. The rally's organizers were quickly arrested and convicted, despite the fact that the actual bomber was never identified. Four men were hanged and three were jailed. Illinois governor John Peter Altgeld (1847-1902) pardoned the three survivors in 1893, a move that ruined his political career.
  1. Do you think the organizers of the rally should have been convicted? Support your response.
  2. What is your opinion Governor Altgeld's decision? Would you have done as he did and pardoned the survivors?
  3. Would you have done so even if you knew it would cost you your career? 


  1. I think the organizers of the rally should be sent to jail because they were the ones who planned the whole thing. My opinion on Governor Altgeld's decisions is that I disagree that he shouldn't have pardoned the three survivors. I disagree because if we let them out of jail, who knows what they are going to do after they're out of jail? I wouldn't have let the three survivors out of jail because if I know it's going to cost my career then why would I do it?
    Cindy Lu & Sophia Shi 814

    1. The paragraph clearly stated that the real bomber wasn't able to identified after all , which means that your statement above is useless. People who are innocent shouldn't be punished. -Jason 802

    2. The organizers of the rally should not have been convicted. The fact that the bomb exploded at the rally doesnt mean one of the organizers did it. They should have been questioned before they were sentanced. I believe that Altelgds decision was a good idea.The three survivors should have been pardoned due to the fact that they were sentanced before being questioned. If I was the person making that decision I would have done the same thing that Altgeld's done. The survivors were not questioned. They should have never been sentanced before being questioned.

    3. But it is state that the bomb was NEVERRRR identified. So, no one knows who had that bomb...
      Ruiting 802

    4. So the organizers shouldnt be punished? Shouldn't someone be held responsible?

  2. The rally supporter's should not be convicted because they did not cause the bomb to blow up. The actual suspect was never found. They had wrongfully convicted the protester's.They should not be held accountable because even though they organized the rally it wasn't there fault. I think governor Altgeld did the right thing because they didn't know who the suspect was.Even if altgeld was going to be fired he knew he was doing the right thing . If i was in altgeld's position i would pardon them. It didn't matter if i wasn't going to be in politics because i know i did the right thing.

    Ashar Akhtar 814

  3. yes they should be convicted matter how much they don't like it they shouldn't kill people.Because they have cause people to die during the bomb opinion on govener altegald decision is that it is not reasonable if i were him i will not do this because they can kill more people and even though it not them they should still go to jail for a short time i wouldn't because i won't let them go in the first place so my career will not be ruin.they shouldn't be letgo so easily a short punishment

    1. The paragraph state that the side of the police had killed the strikers first , which mean they occurred the anger of the strikers. What you said was unreasonable . If things was followed as your logic , the police should be punish too? Even as if that time police had the right to kill people without getting punish , you think killing citizens were a good way to end things? The police as started so that should be prepared of taking the counter attack from the strikers! -Jason 802

    2. Check your grammars too , capitalization and others. -Jason 802

  4. The rally of the organization shouldn't have been convicted because they might not be the one who started the bomb, they could've just jail them up for years for starting the strike. They started that because they weren't treated good in the job in the first place. I think Governor Altgeld make the right decision to pardon them, i wouldn't however do that because giving up my career is not worth it.
    -qingyizeng 814

  5. 1.I think that they should be convicted, for they had organized this game.However, they should not hang them, because killing them wouldn't bring the life of the others who lives die back.
    2. I though his decision is really nice, but I would never done what he did. I would put them in jail but not killed them for they might did it for defense.However, if I release them, it might lead to a thought to the criminals that it's ok to kill people. So, I need to give a respond to both sides, the organizers and the families of the people who died, and this is the best way to end this. shi chen lin 814

  6. I think the organizers of the rally should have been convicted because, they still have not found the actual bomber, one of the organizer may be one of the bomber, they is a suspect too. My opinion of Governor Altgeld's decision is that I agreed with him because even though they are guilty but we have no proof that they did it. I would have don the same thing because it is what I think. vina weng 814

  7. I don't think they should be convicted. This is because they didn't have a good way to find a way out a way to show who's a criminal or not. I don't think here were a good way to find out who was the criminal back then. For example, who knows who caused it, it might be a terrorist XD. Also the only reason why someone would bomb Haymarket Square is to kill people. Why would a person want to bomb a strike.

    Honestly, I think that Altgeld's decision is really smart. This is because no one knows who did it. Why would innocent people be accused of something they didn't do. I would have even done it because I want to be a nice person :-). There is not enough evidence it support the fact that they would be the bomber. They were only on strike because they didn't like the way the government treat their working condition.

    I would go even as far to get my chance of being a governor taken away from me because I don't want to be a mean person.

  8. I think the organizers of the rally should not have been convict because the actual bomber is never identify. You can't just hang and jail people without finding out the culprit. This is unfair for the strikers!In my opinion, Governor Altgeld's decision is correct. I would have done as he did and pardon the survivors because they don't deserve the punishment that most of the survivors didn't do. They only protest and no one knows who did the bombing. You can't jump to conclusion without evidences. I would still protest if things are unfair, even though it cost me my career. -Li Zhi Lin and Ahsan 814

  9. I think the organizers of the rally should have not been convicted because they might not been the person who did this such as exploded a bomb and killed people. My opinion about Governor Altgeld's decision is that I would not let the people go free because they are responsible for the cause. aziza

  10. The organizers of the rally shouldn't have been convicted. No one identified the bomber. Anyone might have been the suspect. Even the police if possible. However, the organizers made the rally in the first place. Without the rally, none of this would have happened. But this doesn't justify anything. The organizers are probably innocent. Governor Altgeld's decision is the right move. The police fired first. And no one identified the bomber.

  11. Yes becuase strikers was killing police while striking. Even though they go might go on stirke they shouldn't kill people. They should have protest verbally. I disagree with Governor Altegeld's decision because if he let them go and they go bomb the police again then more people will get injured. I would go on strike but not kill and bomb police
    Jason Zhang

    1. I disagree with ur statement of ,letting them go and bomb more people. As it was stated in the paragraph above , the "actual bomber was never identified". which explains that the people who were or had the chance to be freed is innocent. Text to self, if u were put in the same position u wouldn't do such a thing again if u know its in the risk of your life. - Jason 802

  12. No,i do not think the organizers of the rally should have bee convicted for the bomb because there was no proof against the organizers. Even though the organizers were the ones who set up the strike, they might not have put the bomb there. I believe Governor Altgeld's decision was the right option and i would also have done the same. This is because they could have been innocent and the people should know that all men are innocent till proven guilty.Yes, i would even have done it if it would cost my career.
    -Derrick Tsang 814

    1. I totally agree with your claim on , people should't blame their own guiltiness on to another "innocent" person/people. -Jason 802

  13. Eventually i think that the organizers of the rally shouldn't be convicted for the bomb since , they actual bomber wasn't identified . Innocent people were arrested and killed for this. I also think that Governor Altgeld's decision was the correct and right option , because he totally understands whats doing on. In addition, in his perspective , he think that the innocent people shouldn't be punish for people who actually did something wrong.I would have done the same thing even if it would cost my career, since i think this decision "is" correct and is the right choice. -Jason 802

  14. Cindy 802
    I thin that the organizers of the rally should not have been convicted because first of all, no one knows who exactly is the culprit in placing the bomb as a sneak attack.In the text, it states that "The rally's organizers were quickly arrested and convicted, despite the fact that the actual bomber was never identified. " This quote proves that they are innocent because no one had really know who did it, and non one knows all the details about the bomber so they killed innocent lives instead. My opinion of Governor Altgeld's decision is not justified because he killed innocent lives even if they didn't have proof or evidence of who actually set the bomb. If I was Governor Altegeld, I wouldn't have done the same decision as he did. The reason why is because that if I was the Governor, I would investigate the case first and try to find evidence of who did it before the actual culprit got away with what he/she wanted. I wouldn't have pardoned the survivors because what if the culprit is actually one of the survivors? Then I would be the one who is letting the culprit get away even if I don't know or can't find who he/she is. I wouldn't have take this decision if I knew that it would cost me my career since it's too risky. Like, why would I do something overboard just to kill innocent people and lose my job both at the same time? And if it really had happened, then it would be hard for me (in the Governor's position) to start all over again because of my foolish actions that I killed random people just to pretend that the culprit is dead.

  15. In my opinion, i think that the rally should not have been convicted because the actual bomb was never identified. I don't think that they have any prove to prove that they were the one that have the bomb. I agree with Governor Altgeld's decision.And i would also done the same thing he did and pardon the survivors. It is because, they didnt know who threw the bomb. And It wasn't even actually identified. I would also have done the same thing, even though it would lose my career because i believe it is correct, and if others think the other way, it is their decision...
    Ruiting 802

  16. i would do the same thing as the governor to get them to speak and to tell me
    who's the bomber. i would still do it because to find out the bomber.
    jaemin ha 802

  17. The rally supporter's shouldn't be convicted because they didd't cause the bomb to blow up. The actual suspect was never found. They should not be held accountable because even though they organized the rally it wasn't there fault. I think governor Altgeld did the right thing because they didn't know who the suspect was.If i was in altgeld's position i would pardon them.becuase It didn't matter if i wasn't going to be in politics because i know i did the right thing.
    -Meilingyou 804

  18. If someone had asked me to join a labor union, I would refuse because just as the working conditions were terrible, I need to keep my job so that my family and I have a roof over our head. Even if they want to fight for better working conditions, I don't want to join them because one, I could lose my job. Second, My family wouldn't receive any of my income. I won't join because I rather accept my employer's unreasonable demands than losing my job.
    Sophia Shi 814
